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About the Department

The focus of recently started Department of Microbiology which previously established as part of Department of Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences in 2015 at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda is to foster research in the field of medical microbiology with a direct application to understand, prevent and cure the human diseases. The department is involved in the community service and awareness programs related to medical microbiology and biochemistry. The Department aims to:

  • Provide state of the art educational and research facilities to the students
  • Combat the diverse problems related to human, animal and plant health due to   
    micro-organisms and to prevent and treat diseases.
  • Utilize the microbes for sustainable solutions to several global issues.
  • To deliver expert microbiological diagnostic services to the public
  • Promote R&D activities in the emerging areas of microbiology.
  • To provide consultancy in thrust areas of microbiology for local communities.

To be a leading academic and research centre in microbiology, advancing the understanding of microbial pathogenesis, and contributing to the development of innovative solutions to global health, environmental, and biotechnological challenges.


  • To provide high-quality graduate education in microbiology, covering the breadth and depth of the discipline, from basic molecular and cellular mechanisms to applied microbiology, and promoting critical thinking, scientific rigor, and ethical conduct.
  • To foster cutting-edge research in microbiology, promoting interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches,
  • To address fundamental questions, and practical issues with local, national, and international relevance.

To engage with the scientific community, industry, and society at large, disseminating knowledge, promoting innovation, and contributing to the public discourse on microbiological issues and their implications



  1. Dr. Monisha Dhiman, Professor 
    Profile     Publications
  2. Dr Somesh Baranwal, Associate Professor & HoD
    Profile     Publications
  3. Dr. Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Associate Professor
    Profile     Publications
  4. Dr. Pramod Kumar Kushawaha, Assistant Professor and DST-INSPIRE Faculty
    Profile     Publications
  5. Dr. Amit Singh, Assistant Professor
    Profile     Publications
  6. Dr. H. Nakibapher Jones Shangpliang, Assistant Professor
    Profile     Publications
  7. Dr. Saurabh Mishra, Assistant Professor (Ramalingaswami Fellow)
    Profile     Publications


Academic Programmes

  • 2023-25
    • M.Sc Microbiology
    • Ph.D Microbiology
  • 2022-24
    • M.Sc Microbiology
    • Ph.D Microbiology


Research Thurst Area

  • Cancer Biology
  • Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Drug and Vaccine development.
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology of various human diseases.

Research Highlights

  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Cell autonomous immunity
  • Intestinal Inflammation
  • Chemotherapy induced toxicity
  • Signaling pathways during Inflammation and oxidative stress in various human diseases
  • Molecular and Cellular Microbiology of Enterobacteriaceae
  • Role of cell-matrix interaction in gastrointestinal disease


Department of Microbiology is equipped with state-of-the-art scientific laboratory. Apart from the basic equipments such as Gradient PCR, Centrifuges, analytical balances, incubator, shakers, spectrophotometer and microplate reader, the department also has access to the high end equipments such as Confocal Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope, Automated DNA Sequencer, GC-MS, Flow-cytometer and ICP-MS.



Placement List

Placement of Microbiology Students

Alumini Network



Ongoing and Completed Grant 

Grants On going

  • Evaluation of neuroprotective role of Picrorhiza kurroa (Kutki) on organophosphate pesticides (OPPs) pestered neurodegenerative responses in Alzheimer’s disease model study; Dept. of Science & Technology, New Delhi ₹ 50 lakhs  2022-2025 (Prof Dhiman as Co-PI)
  • Mining natural and synthetic compounds for the treatment of respiratory tract infections Diseases Indian Council of Medical Research; ₹ 22 Lakhs 2022-2024 (Dr. Mukesh Yadav as PI)
  • Exploration of Synthetic phyto-compounds for the treatment of respiratory tract infections UGC, New Delhi ₹ 10 Lakhs 2022-2024 (Dr. Mukesh Yadav as PI)
  • Synthesis and evaluation of phyto-compounds for therapeutic intervention..…….and modulation of CYCLOOXIGENEASE 2 Dept. of Science & Technology, New Delhi ₹ 31 Lakhs 2021-2023 (Dr. Mukesh Yadav as PI)

Grants Completed:

  • Expression and characterization of ORF6 protein from SARS-CoV-2 in mammalian cell lines: Research Seed Money: Nasir Salam (2021-2023) ₹ 3 lakhs
  • Role of Nischarin in the regulation of intestinal apical epithelial junction DST-SERB funded grant: ₹ 49.5 Lakhs: Dr Somesh Baranwal as PI (2017-2021)
  • Role of Integrin binding protein, Kindlin in colon cancer progression DBT Ramalingaswami fellow: ₹ 90 Lakhs: Dr Somesh Baranwal as PI (2015-2022)
  • Chemotherapeutic Drug Induced Cardiomyocyte Toxicity: Evaluation of Ethno-Botanical Plants to Minimize the Cardiac damage: Prof Monisha Dhiman (DST).
  • Mitochondrial Oxidative DNA Damage-Repair in Alzheimer’s disease: AP-endonuclease (APE1/Ref-1) as a Potential Therapeutic Target: Prof Monisha Dhiman (DST).
  • Molecular Mechanisms of Pollen-Mediated Stress in Human Epithelial Lung cell line: Prof Monisha Dhiman (Research Seed Money).
  • Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan: Prof Monisha Dhiman (MoE)
  • Identification and characterization of the functional significance of gastric cancer stem cells: Dr Somesh Baranwal (UGC-FRP) ₹ 10 lakhs
  • Extensive analysis of Interferons (IFNs) Induced GTPases p-65 guanylate binding proteins Involved in host cell autonomous immunity: Dr. Pramod Kushwaha (DST-INSPIRE) ₹ 35 lakhs


  • List of Seminar and Symposia held in Year 2024
  • Department along with few other departments of the university organized one-day Outreach Symposium on 05 April, 2019 under the auspices of Chandigarh Chapter of National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI). The distinguished speaker were Prof. Girish Sahni, Former Director General, CSIR, Prof. Tilak Raj Sharma, Executive Director, NABI and Prof. K K Bhasin, Former Dean Faculty of Science, Panjab University.
  • Department along with department of Chemistry and department of Physics organized Two days’ Teachers Workshop on ‘Olympiad experiments at School Level’ to train the teachers is being organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda in association with Society for Promotion of Science and Technology in India on 27-28 April, 2019. Prof P.K Joshi from Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) was the keynote speaker and trainer.
  • Department organised a visit cum experiment demonstration for Baba Farid College students under “Laboratory-Based Innovative Approaches to learn Biotechnology Techniques” on 13 November, 2019. The objective of the tour was to enhance the student’s understanding scientific facts and concepts. A total of twenty-six BSc Biotechnology students and teachers of Baba Farid College participated Dr Somesh and Dr Pramod overall coordinated the event along with Dr Monisha Dhiman.

  • Guest Lecture by Prof. Sanjay Chhibber, Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh was organised on "Rising Antimicrobial Resistance needs to be tackled by Alternate Strategies" on 17 February 2020.

  • microbiology
  • microbiology
  • microbiology
  • microbiology

  • microbiology
  • Industry Visit


Alumni List

