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Alumni Association Central University of Punjab

The AACUP was established in 2015-16 with approximately 100 registered members including faculty and students’. AACUP aims to foster stronger relations between its alumni and others connected with the University. CUP recognizes its alumni as important stakeholders in its continuing quest to provide excellent education. It realizes the enormous benefits that can come from the engagement and support of its alumni who have considerable expertise in many areas and can help identify strategic directions for CUP in the 21st century.

The association was formally registered under Societies act in 2018 (NO: 11 Year 2018-19; Societies Registration Act XXI 1860,  Punjab Amendment Act  1957)


There are 1500 registered members till 2019-20, this includes both Masters and Doctorate students’.


A total of Rs. 21,23,655/-  corpus money has been collected and available with the association.

  1. Name of the Association
    The Name of the Association shall be Alumni Association Central University of Punjab.
  2. Office
    The Office of the Association shall be at the Central University of Punjab.
  3. Aims and Objectives of the Association are to:
    1. establish a link with the CUP alumni and enroll them as members;
    2. establish liaison between Alumni Association Central University of Punjab  (AACUP) and similar other associations at the universities in the country and abroad;
    3. raise various endowment funds and award stipends out of it to the deserving students on need-cum-merit basis;
    4. institute and disburse scholarships, fellowships, medals, awards, etc. to the meritorious students of the university out of the corpus of the Association;
    5. impart identity to its members by issuing them with photo-identity cards;
    6. seek donations from alumni and potential donors for promoting various righteous activities of the Association;
    7. suggest ways and means for the participation of the Association in the working of the University;
    8. arrange get together of the alumni and social/cultural functions of the alumni;
    9. send birthday greeting cards to its members to impart personal touch and interaction with them;
    10. honour distinguished alumni of CUP, who have brought national/global acclaim in their respective domains;
  4. Membership
    1. Eligibility : The following categories of persons shall be considered to be enrolled as members of the Association:
      1. A Graduate, diploma of at least one year duration after graduation. Post Graduate, M.Phil., Ph.D. from Central University of Punjab.
      2. Members of the teaching staff of the University even though they may not be graduates of this University.
      3. Graduates of other Universities (Indian or Foreign) on whom membership is conferred by the Executive Council of the Association.
        Note : All Former Vice-Chancellors and former Registrars will be members of the Association.
      There will be the following categories of members:
      1. Patron
      2. Donor Members
      3. Life Members
      4. Ordinary Members
      5. Honorary Members
      1. Patron : A person may become a patron of this Association by donating a sum of at least of Rs. 50,000/- or more (NRI/Overseas : US$ 10,000 or equivalent with approval of the Chief Patron)
      2. Donor Member: by donating Rs. 20,000/- or more (NRI/Overseas : US$ 4000 or equivalent)
      3. Life Member: Rs. 500/- (NRI/Overseas : US$ 100 or equivalent).
      4. Ordinary Member: Rs. 100 per annum (financial year basis).
      5. Honorary Member: On whom Membership is conferred by the Association.
        The E.C. is authorized to revise the membership fees from time to time.
  5. Office Bearers
    The following shall be the office bearers of the Association.
    1. Chief Patron (Vice-Chancellor - Ex-officio)
    2. President
    3. Vice-President
    4. General Secretary (Dean, Alumni Relations - Ex - officio)
    5. Secretary.
    6. Joint Secretary-cum-Treasurer (Finance Officer - Ex-officio)
    7. Executive Council
      The Executive Council of the Association shall consist of 12 members, including the office-bearers. Three or more members of the Executive Council shall be nominated by the Chief-patron. The Executive Council shall frame the bye-laws of the Association. The term of the Executive will be three years.
      Duties and Functions of Office Bearers
        1. The Chief Patron shall preside over the meetings of the Association, the meetings of the Executive Council and all other functions that may be organized by the Association.
        2. The Chief Patron shall be the custodian of the property and interests of the Association.
        3. He shall call special meetings of the Executive Council/General Body of the Association if a written requisition signed by at least 7 members in case of Executive Council and 30 members in case of the Association is presented to him.
        1. The president shall perform the duties and functions of the Chief Patron in his absence. The Vice-President shall perform the duties and function of the President in his absence.
        2. President/ Vice-President shall perform such other duties and functions as may be entrusted to him by the Chief Patron or the Executive Council.
        1. He will be the custodian of all the records and documents of the Association.
        2. He will be responsible for the safe custody of the funds of the Association and will operate bank accounts jointly with either Secretary or Joint-Secretary-cum- treasurer on behalf of the Association.
        3. He will call and arrange meetings of the Executive Council and the Association.
        4. He will record the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Council and the Association.
        5. He will represent the Association in all legal proceedings and sign all legal documents on behalf of the Association.
        6. He will maintain an up-to-date register of members and of all subscriptions and donations.
        7. He will maintain a property register and all such registers as may be necessary in connection with the work of the Association.
      4. SECRETARY
        1. He will assist General Secretary in the administrative matters.
        2. He will also assist General Secretary in conducting activities of the Association.
        1. He will assist the General Secretary in the discharge of his duties and functions regarding finances/accounts of the Association.
        2. He will perform such other duties and functions as may be entrusted to him by the Executive Council.

Will be Updated Shortly.


  1. establish a link with the CUP alumni and enroll them as members;
  2. establish liaison between Alumni Association Central University of Punjab (AACUP) and similar other associations at the universities in the country and abroad;
  3. raise various endowment funds and award stipends out of it to the deserving students on need-cum-merit basis;
  4. institute and disburse scholarships, fellowships, medals, awards, etc. to the meritorious students of the university out of the corpus of the Association;
  5. seek donations from alumni and potential donors for promoting various righteous activities of the Association;
  6. suggest ways and means for the participation of the Association in the working of the University;
  7. arrange get together of the alumni and social/cultural functions of the alumni;
  8. honour distinguished alumni of CUP, who have brought national/global acclaim in their respective domains;

Other Support:

The Alumni have been involved in curriculum up-dation through their contribution in the meetings of Curriculum Development committee, and BoS.

Alumni Meet: 

Three alumni meet (2015, 2016 and 2020, 2021) have been conducted so far.


Alumni Meets



Will be Updated Shortly
