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About Library:


The University Library is on a rapid and consistent path of expansion and development since its inception in 2009, catering to the learning and research requirements of teachers and students of the university. Carefully designed with elegant modular furniture, the library presently has over 57095 titles and subscribes to 11 international and national print journals, the University Library subscribes to a large number of electronic journals through the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium and independently apart from subscribing to 7231 full text online journals through the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium and independently, with access to American Chemical Society, American Physical Society, Annual Reviews, JSTOR, Oxford University Press, Project Muse, Sage, Springer Link, Taylor & Francis, Science Direct etc. The University Library has access to all important full text data base  including, ISID (The Institute for Studies in Industrial Development), JCCC (J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium), SciFinder Scopus, Web of Science, etc. It is fully air-conditioned and is located at a central place in the Academic Block with state-of-the-art seating facility, apart from a quiet and restoring ambience. The interior of the library is enabled with Wi-Fi connectivity allowing the users to work within the library by accessing both offline and online resources. This University Library is equipped with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Electro Magnetic Security System (EMSS) providing automated self-service facility for the users and high end security. It is also equipped with an advanced Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) and modern reprographic facilities.

Link for Library usage by teacher and students


Library Sections:

General Book Section General Book Section
blue icon Text Book Section
blue icon Reference Book Section
blue icon Regional Language Section
blue icon Donated Book Section
blue icon Braille Section
blue icon Thesis and Dissertations Section
blue icon Audio-Video Section
blue icon Newspaper Corner
blue icon Maps and Atlas Section


Digital Initiatives

blue icon Knowledge Repository:
blue icon Off-Campus Access:
blue icon CUP Faculty Profiles:
blue icon Learning Management System
  Web Opac

Library Collections:

The library collection consists of Books, Reference Books, Text Books, Print Journals, Newspapers, M.Phil Dissertations, E-Journals & Databases, CD ROM/DVDs.

Sr. No. Resources Total
01 Books 57095
02 E-Books (subscribed) 1682
03 E-Journals , 7231
04 Print Journals  11
05 Thesis and Dissertation 2477
06 Newspapers and Magazines 33
07 CD-ROM/DVD 481

Library Services

blue icon Reprographic services: University Library provides reprographic services to the users for photocopying library materials
blue icon Reference Service: It provides the users with directional assistance in locating books and resources.
blue icon Current Awareness Service (CAS): Updating the users with the latest information in the academic front and new arrivals to the library. 
blue icon Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI): Provides information and updates to the interested users on specific theme/area/topic as required. 
blue icon Binding: Provides binding service to the users for official purposes. 

E-Books :

Category No. of Title URL Description

Sage Education Collection

e-Books (List of Titles) PMMMNMTT Project fund by Education department in the year 2018-19
Taylor & Francis Collection 1. Computer Science, 2. Plant Science 3. Pharmaceutical Science    246 e-Books(List of Titles) 48 e-Books (List of Titles)   38 e-Books (List of Titles) How to Use Library Budget in the Year 2018-19 
EBSCO 38 e-Books (List of Titles) 6000 complimentary e-Books (List of Titles) Library Budget in the Year 2021-22 
McGraw Hill 22 e-Books ((List of Titles) Library Budget in the Year 2021-22 

E-Journals  (Access through One Nation One Subscription (ONOS))

Publishers Details  No. of Title
AAAS- Science URL : 1
ACM Digital Library About :ACM Digital Library provides access to 60 peer reviewed scholarly journals; 7 technical magazines including Communications of the ACM (ACMs flagship magazine), ACM’s complete collection of conference proceedings containing over 2,500 volumes of scholarly materials; and 37 technical newsletters sponsored by ACM’s technical Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
American Chemical Society Journals About :Provides access to complete collection of journals from American Chemical Society.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Journals About :Provides access to complete collection of journals from American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
American Institute of Physics Journals  About : It provides access to 28 full-text journals in area of physics.
American Mathematical Society URL : 9
American Physical Society About : Provides access to 17 leading peer-reviewed research journals which includes Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review, and Reviews of Modern Physics. Access to APS-ALL collection including PROLA.
American Society for Microbiology Journals About : Provides access to complete collection of American Society for Microbiology Journals.
Annual Review of Journals URL : 51
ASCE Journals Online About : Provides access to 35 journals in the field of civil engineering
ASME  Journals Online About : The ASME Collection provide access to 33 journals including Complete Package for ASME Journals + AMR
Bentham Science Journals URL : 118
BMJ Journals URL : 36
Cambridge University Press Journals URL : 442
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Journals URL : 8
Elsevier Science Direct Journals URL : 2387
Emerald Publishing Journals URL : 311
ICE Publishing Journals  URL : 34
IEEE Journals URL : 210 About : provides access to a comprehensive collection of 258 academic journals covering diverse disciplines, including Agriculture, Animal Science, Applied Science, Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Business Management, Computer Science, Medical Science, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Social Sciences. It highlights academic papers from India, showcasing localized research and supporting Indian academia.
Institute of Physics Journals URL : 74
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Wolters Kluwer) Journals URL : 305
Oxford University Press Journals URL : 375
Project Muse About : Project Muse Premium collection provides online access to a comprehensive selection of prestigious humanities and social sciences journals.
Sage Publishing Journals URL : 988
SPIE Digital Library About : The SPIE Digital Library is the world's largest collection of optics and photonics applied research. With more than 500,000 papers spanning biomedicine, communications, sensors, defense and security, manufacturing, electronics, energy, and imaging, the SPIE Digital Library is the most extensive research database available on optics and photonics research.
Springer Nature Journals URL : 2404
Taylor and Francis Journals URL :  
Thieme Journals URL : 2548
Wiley Journals URL : 1333
Indian Open Access Society Journals
CSIR-NIScPR About : Open Access Journals published by CSIR–National Institute Of Science Communication and Policy Research in collaboration with CSIR Labs.


Publisher Description
Scopus Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research.
ISID (The Institute for Studies in Industrial Development)  Access to databases on various aspects of the Indian economy, particularly industry and the corporate sector and On-line Indexes of Indian Social Science Journals (OLI).
Provides databases on Legal, Taxation, Corporate and Business Policy.
Web of Science
Web of Science is an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service maintained by Thomson Reuters that provides a comprehensive citation search.

States of India Database

India consists of 37 states and union territories, or more importantly, it consists of 724 districts. States of India provides comprehensive data and news on these. There are over 139 million time-series in States of India. All information is available in a clean and easily useable form
CMIE ProwessIQ


Prowess for Interactive Querying
Most Comprehensive Database on Indian Companies

How to Use 
Step 1> the mentioned link . After registration, user will receive his login credentials by email. Please check your inbox and spam folder for the same. In case if a user did not remember his password, then they can use the "forget password" option from the ProwessIQ website for generating the new password.

Step 2> Download exe file from ProwessIQ website: and start installing it by a double click on a downloaded file. Please find the attached screenshot for the same.
Step 3> While installing that application, do not change any default option, just do next next and install it. During installation it may ask "User Name" and "Company Name", then write "XYZ" in both the boxes.

Step 4> Once the application is installed on your laptop or PC. The "ProwessIQ icon" will be created on users desktop. 

Step 5> Open ProwessIQ application from the Desktop icon and enter your login credentials which you have received by for accessing the service. Make it sure, user is in the IP range of your institution and connected with Wifi of your campus for accessing the service.

NDL e-Resources

Publisher Description
National Digital Library of India (NDLI)  National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a virtual repository of learning resources which is not just a repository with search/browse facilities but provides a host of services for the learner community. It is sponsored and mentored by Ministry of Education, Government of India, through its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT).
World e-Book Library The    World Library Foundation is the world's largest collection of Books and Articles in electronic format. Founded in 1996, the World Library Foundation is a global coordinated effort to preserve and disseminate digital facsimiles of historical books, classic works of literature, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other heritage works in a number of languages and countries around the world.
South Asia Archive (SAA)  The South Asia Archive is a specialist digital platform providing global electronic access to culturally and historically significant literary material produced from within - and about - the South Asian region. It is not merely a repository, but a vehicle for targeted research, and one which has been intelligently structured to ensure efficient content discovery.    

 E Books & Resources from 2015-2020

JCCC (J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium) /JCCC provides a one point access to journals subscribed under UGC INFONET Digital library consortium as well as university libraries designated as Inter Library Loan (ILL) Centers.

Plagiarism Prevention  & Writing Assistance Tool:

Turnitin solutions promote academic integrity, streamline grading and feedback, deter plagiarism, and improve research outcomes. (Only for use of Faculty)
Drillbit ShodhShuddhi provides access to Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS) to all universities/Institutions.
Writing assistance tool The users who are interested in having their account on the Grammarly software, kindly send an email at   It is an automated grammar tutor and revision support tool. Grammarly works one-on-one with a researcher /student to develop essential writing skills, reinforce proper revision habits and prevent plagiarism.


Library IT Infrastructure

SI.No. Particulars  Total Numbers
01 Computers 26
02 Servers 01
03 Printer for Library Users 01
04 Photocopier for Library Users 01
05 Book Eye 4 Scanner 01

Library Automation:

The University Library is fully automated with Library Management Software KOHA which functions from cataloging to security protocols are integrated. The acquisition, cataloging, circulation, serials controlling, catalog access and security protocols come under the purview of automation. 


The Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) system in the University Library is enabled with LMS which allows cataloging of diverse resources such as books, journals, articles, slides, maps, audio/video, films, cassettes, texts, drawings, clippings, serial publications, softwares and so on.  OPAC enables searching through clusters like Author, Keyword, Subject, Class, Title, Publisher, Place of publication, Main entry, Material type, Place of conference, Subject name, ISBN / ISSN, Series titles, Serials title and Year of publication. It also supports circulation, acquisition, front desk operations, Serials Control and data entry in vernacular languages. (Web OPAC)

The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

RFID system installed in the University Library is with the latest technology and configuration in this regard. It ensures efficient service delivery and security with minimum human input.  It is defined by the following features:

blue icon
Durable RFID tags with 1,024-2,048 bits memory to enable cataloging and circulation.
blue icon
Tattle Tapes security strips providing covert security to the library resources.
blue icon
Pad Staff Workstation (PSW) which can be operated as a circulation desk or tag programming station.
blue icon
Digital Library Assistant (DLA) to simplify shelf management tasks and making physical verification of resources easy.
blue icon
Electromagnetic Detection System (EDS) offering state-of-the art protection to help secure valuable library materials marked with Tattle tapes security strips.
blue icon
Self-Check system facilitating self-issuing, self-return and self-renewal by the users themselves.

Library Rules:

The students, teachers and staff of the university are entitled for membership in the University Library. University library published library manual that deals with the important functions of   University Library and delineates policies about its activities such as collection, development, provision of information services and management of other academic support facilities. It is expected to bring clarity and uniformity in procedures and practices of the library and improve its efficiency, utility and services. The Manual link is given below:-

Braille Section:

The University Library has a separate Braille section for the visually challenged users. Books from various subjects like history, literature, religion, etc. are available in Braille script.

Kibo XS is a multi-lingual scanning & reading device that can seamlessly connect with any PC/Computer/Laptop as well any Android smartphone to read any printed or handwritten documents in audio across 11 Indian- English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Sanskrit and multiple overseas languages.

Kibo desk web Application for Listen text from images and scanned image based PDFs. Visually-impaired people can access the documents independently; resulting in enhanced productivity

NVDA Screen reader allows blind and vision impaired people to access and interact with the Windows operating system and many third party applications

Wireless over-ear headphones with minimal latency

Wheel Chair for needy user.

Audio Books


Open Culture Audiobook Podcast Collection

Internet Archive: Audio Archive




Library Timings:

Library Timings:
Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday/ Gazetted holidays 9.00 AM to 5:30 PM
Timings of Reading Rooms 
All Day 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM

(The library will remain closed on 03 national Holidays i.e. Republic Day, Independence Day & Gandhi Jayanti )
Library Usage by teacher and students


Brief work profile


Dr. Bhupinder Singh
Assistant Librarian-Senior

  • Day-to-Day Administration of the Library.
  • Assigning routine tasks to all library staff and supervising all library
  • Managing E-resources (e-journals/databases etc.).
  • Management of Plagiarism software's.
  • University Admin of e-SS, Shodh-Suddhi & all INFLIBNET services
  • Managing of the ICT Library Services (Off Campus Access, Ask A Librarian Service, IRINS-Vidwan databases etc.)
  • Managing the Research Metrics and Scholarly communication of CUP
  • Implementing/ Managing innovative library services

Mr. Rupinder Singh
Assistant Librarian

  • Managing all Library Servers infrastructure
  • Managing of the ICT Library Services (DSPACE Institutional Repository, Koha
  • ILS, IDP Server, Library website, Biometrics, Grammarly)
    Managing of Computer Lab
  • Managing of Library Automation & RFID hardware
  • Managing the Acquisition section.
  • Managing of First floor reading room, book stack area, reference section etc
  • Kindle issue returns
  • Implementing/ Managing innovative library services

Mr. Sadanand Kumar Choudhary
(Professional Assistant)

On lien


Dr. Prachi Srivastava,
Semi-Prof. Assistant

  • Managing of Periodical section, (Journals/magazines/Newspapers)
  • Managing the record of Outside library users
  • Updating the website
  • Managing the record of EWYL Student
  • Data updating to NAAC and All departments
  • Managing LMS, LDAP, faculty profile etc.
  • Managing of Braille sections

Mr. Ravinder Singh

On lien


Ms. Babita Yadav
Library Assistant

  • ID card section (managing, printing, record & distribution of the ID cards)
  • Uploading the Ph.D. Thesis on Shodhganga
  • Managing the thesis and CD record register
  • Managing the mentor/mentee list of the students as per ID card record
  • Prepare and uploading the user data on Koha Software under the guidance of Mr Rupinder Singh
  • At the time of leave of Mrs. Veerpal Kaur, managing the circulation section, Verification NOC, violation fine etc.

Ms. Veerpal Kaur,
Library Assistant

  • Managing the circulation section
  • No dues on online portal and verification NOC of student's offline mode
  • Managing the all-Fine receipt and upload the record on KOHA Software
  • Managing the all record of violation of library rules on Koha software
  • Record of daily footfall on google sheet of Ground floor gate and RFID gate

Mr. Kishan Rai
Library Attendant

  • Management of First-floor book stack area, reference section, periodical section, Computer Lab, and reading room
  • Reference Service to users.
  • Record of daily footfall on google sheet of First floor reading room

Mr. Sandeep Singh
Library Attendant

  • Managing all library files.
  • Assist in e-resources
  • Conversion of RFID tags and EM Tattle Tape on the books, etc.
  • Checking and shifting books from the technical section to the racks after completing work.
  • Managing the Second floor reading room and all book cases
    Assist in Acquisition section
  • Record of daily footfall on google sheet of Second floor reading room

Mr. Rajan Kumar
Library Attendant

  • Assist in Acquisition section
  • Record of daily footfall on google sheet of Second floor reading room
  • Managing the record Project purchase and Donated Books
  • Cataloging and classification of books
  • Management of Library stationery items.
  • Managing the Second floor reading room and all book cases


Library Advisory Committee

  1. Hon'bl Vice Chancellor - Chairperson
  2. Registrar  
  3. Finance Officer 
  4. Dean Students Welfare  
  5. All Deans  
  6. Director 1QAC
  7. Prof. Sanjeev Kumar
  8. Dr Vipan Pal Singh 
  9. Dr Shashank Kumar 
  10. Dr. Bhupinder Singh- Member Secretary

Feedback, suggestions and comments are welcome at library[at]cup[dot]edu[dot]in Ph. +91 164-2864140
