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About the Department

The Department of Punjabi was established in July 2019 at the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. Prior to this, M.A. Punjabi and Ph.D. Punjabi programmes were being offered under the Department of Languages and Comparative Literature. Currently, the Department of Punjabi is offering M.A. Punjabi and Ph.D. Punjabi programmes. Apart from providing quality post-graduate education, the department constantly strives to nurture creative and analytical faculties of the students. Introduction of research project and seminars at the post-graduation level helps in achieving this objective. The department also organizes several co-curricular activities for the holistic development of the students.

Punjabi Language Teaching Initiatives
            Central University of Punjab, Bathinda is a mini India where students from 26 states, faculty from 19 states and non-teaching staff from 12 states converge and most of them have no prior exposure to Punjabi. So, to fulfil their day-to-day needs of communication, the Department of Punjabi has launched various programmes for students, faculty and staff.

For the students, two Interdisciplinary courses (PBI.517 & PBI.530) are available for learning introductory Punjabi. Another short-term course has been designed for faculty and staff of the university which is offered from time to time as per demand. Head of the Department, Prof. (Dr.) Zameerpal Kaur, also made an introductory presentation about Punjabi Language in an exchange programme organized by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt. of India under Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat Abhyan 2020-21. (Presentation)

Vision of the Department 

To focus on the three broad areas of Punjabi studies, i.e. Punjabi Language, Literature, Folklore and Culture so as to make the students aware of the rich heritage of Punjab and lead them to further exploration in the respective fields. 

Mission of the Department

  • To widen the sphere of Punjabi language through teaching of Punjabi to non-native speakers and by teaching translation from/to Punjabi. 
  • To collaborate with the best departments of Punjabi Studies and establish strong partnerships with literary societies, linguistic associations, industries, government agencies, professional societies and local communities. 
  • To establish a unique identity in the study and teaching of Punjabi through extensive, skill-based, up-to-date curricula. >


  1. Dr. Zameerpal Kaur, Professor
    Profile     Publications
  2. Dr. Ramanpreet Kaur, Professor , HOD
    Profile     Publications
  3. Dr. Amandeep Singh, Associate Professor
    Profile     Publications
  4. Dr. Sarabjit Singh, Associate Professor
    Profile     Publications
  5. Dr. Lakhvir  kaur Lezia, Assistant Professor
    Profile     Publications
  6. Dr. Satpreet Singh Jassal, Assistant Professor
    Profile     Publications

Academic Programmes

  • 2023-25
    • Certificate Programme in Punjabi Translation
    • M.A. Punjabi
    • Ph.D. Punjabi
  • 2022-24
    • Certificate Programme in Punjabi Translation
    • M.A. Punjabi
    • Ph.D. Punjabi


Research Thurst Area

Gurmat Sahit, Sufi Sahit, Parvasi Sahit, Punjabi language and linguistics, Ecocriticism, Semiotics, Post-colonial studies


Students of the department have access to the well equipped and fully computerized University library. Currently, the library has over 44,251 titles and subscribes to 45 international and national print journals including access to JSTOR, Oxford University Press, Project Muse, Sage, Springer Link, Taylor & Francis, Wiley-Blackwell etc. Large number of books related to Punjabi language, literature and culture are available in the library.
To provide practical training of Punjabi Language Computing, well-equipped Language Lab is also available under the School of Languages, Literature and Culture. 24+1 Desktop computers are available with Clarity SNET class software. Punjabi Language support is available on all the computers in the Language lab.


  1. ਸ਼ਿਵ ਕੁਮਾਰ ਬਟਾਲਵੀ ਦੀ ਕਵਿਤਾ: ਪੁਨਰ ਝਾਤ (ਪ੍ਰੋ. ਸੁਖਦੇਵ ਸਿੰਘ ਸਿਰਸਾ ਦਾ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਭਾਸ਼ਣ) Special Lecture on Poetry of Shiv Kumar Batalvi by Prof. Sukhdev Singh 23.07.2021
  2. ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਦੇ ਹੋਰ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧ (ਉਰਦੂ) (ਪ੍ਰੋ. ਨਾਸ਼ਿਰ ਨਕਵੀ ਦਾ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਭਾਸ਼ਣ) Punjabi De Hor Bhashavan Nal Sambandh (Urdu) (Special Lecture by Prof. Nashir Naqwi) 16.01.2021
  3. ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਦੇ ਹੋਰ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧ (ਸੰਸਕ੍ਰਿਤ) (ਪ੍ਰੋ. ਰੇਨੂ ਬਾਲਾ ਦਾ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਭਾਸ਼ਣ) Punjabi De Hor Bhashavan Nal Sambandh (Sanskrit) (Special Lecture by Prof. Renu Bala) 15.01.2021


Name of the Student placed Program Name of the Employer Year
Ms. Sukhdeep Kaur M.A. in Punjabi Principal, Gurukul College, Bathinda 2019
Ms. Pardeep Kaur Ph.D. in Comparative Literature Registrar, Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fathegarh Sahib 2019
Ms. Sukhdeep Kaur M.A. in Punjabi Principal, DAV College, Bathinda 2020

Student Corner

List of Ph.D. Scholars: Following scholars are currently enrolled for Ph.D. Punjabi

S.No. Batch Reg. No. Name of the Student Supervisor Topic/Status Fellowship
1 2016 16phdlcl01 Amandeep Kaur Dr. Ramanpreet Kaur ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਕਾਵਿ ਰੂਪ ‘ਬਾਰਾਂਮਾਹ’ ਦਾ ਚਿਹਨ-ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ ਅਧਿਐਨ: ਚੋਣਵੇਂ ਬਾਰਾਂਮਾਹ ਪਾਠਾਂ ਦੇ ਆਧਾਰ ’ਤੇ UGC-SRF
2 2017 17phdlcl01 Sukhmanpreet Kaur Dr. Ramanpreet Kaur ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਵਿਚ ਦਰਜ ਕਬੀਰ-ਬਾਣੀ ਦਾ ਅੰਤਰ-ਪਾਠਾਤਮਕ ਅਧਿਐਨ UGC-SRF
3 2017 17phdlcl02 Sandeep Kaur Dr. Ramanpreet Kaur ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਵਿਚ ਦਰਜ ਅੱਖਰਕ੍ਰਮ ਆਧਾਰਿਤ ਬਾਣੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਅਰਥ-ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ ਜੁਗਤ UGC-SRF
4 January 2020 19phdpbi01 Gurpreet Singh Dr. Amandeep Singh Yet to be decided UGC-JRF
5 January 2021 20phdpbi01 Soma Singh Dr. Amandeep Singh Undergoing Coursework UGC-JRF
6 January 2021 20phdpbi02 Maninder Singh Dr. Ramanpreet Kaur Undergoing Coursework UGC-JRF
7 January 2021 January 2021 20phdpbi03 Harmanjot Kaur Dr. Zameerpal Kaur Undergoing Coursework

Apart from the above, following students of Ph.D. Integrated Programme in Comparative Literature are currently registered with the faculty of the Department:

  1. Prof. Zameerpal Kaur: Mr. Satyanand Maharana, Ms. Jaswinder Kaur
  2. Dr. Amandeep Singh: Mr. Shafayat Hussain Bhat (thesis submitted);
  3. Mr. Rakesh Kumar Dr. Ramanpreet Kaur: Ms. Sapanpreet Kaur (thesis submitted)

Research Project Details Batch 2020-22

Ph.D Research Scholars Publications/ Paper Presentation/Participation in Academic, Co-Curricular, Cultural, Sports Activities etc. (2017-2021)

  1. Ms. Amandeep Kaur, Ph.D Research Scholar,  Registration No. 16phdlcl01
  • Participated in One day workshop on Research methodology at Guru Kashi Campus, Punjab University, Talwandi Sabho, 17 November, 2017.
  • Participated in Two Days International Conference on Diasporic Punjabi literature, Gujjranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana,  16-17 February, 2018
  • Participated in the Food Carnival Competition in University Foundation Week Celebrations, February, 2018. 
  • Participated in discussion on Book Release function of newly published Punjabi Novel ਇਥੋਂ ਰੇਗਿਸਤਾਨ ਦਿੱਸਦਾ ਹੈ, at Amargarh, on 27 May 2018
  • Published a paper titled ਬਾਰਾਂਮਾਹ ਤੁਖਾਰੀ:ਅਰਥ-ਸੰਚਾਰ ਜੁਗਤ in Sanwad (A peer Reviewed and UGC approved Punjabi Research Journal), Khalsa College, Amritsar. (04-08) July-December issue, 2018 (ISSN 2395-1273) 93-108 print
  • Participated as leading artist in theatre play ‘Sirjana’ Directed by KeertiKirpal, Presented in Moga on women’s Day Function  2018.
  • Presented a paper on the topic of “ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਦੁਆਰਾਸਿਰਜਤ ਇਸਤਰੀ ਦਾ ਸੰਕਲਪਿਕ ਪ੍ਰਵਚਨ: ਬਾਣੀ ਕੁਚਜੀ ਅਤੇ ਸੁਚਜੀ” in One day National Seminar on the theme ‘ਕਲਿ ਤਾਰਣਿ ਗੁਰੁ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਆਇਆ’ organised by Sant Baba Bhag Singh Memorial Khalsa College, Phagwar, on 2 November, 2018,
  • Attended one day National Seminar on the topic of Life,Philosophy and Impact of Guru Gobind Singh, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 19 November, 2018.
  • Attended one day Seminar on the topic of Namdhari Sikhs in Independent India, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 20 November, 2018.
  • Presented a paper on the topic “ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਰਚਿਤ ਬਾਣੀ ਬਾਰਾਂਮਾਹ ਤੁਖਾਰੀ: ਵਰਤਮਾਨ ਸਾਰਥਿਕਤਾ (ਸਮਾਜਿਕ ਪਰਿਪੇਖ ਵਿਚ)” in two days National Seminar on the theme ‘ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਬਾਣੀ ਦੀ ਬਹੁਪੱਖੀ ਸਾਰਥਿਕਤਾ: ਇਕੀਵੀਂ ਸਦੀ ਦੇ ਸੰਦਰਭ ਵਿੱਚ’ organised by Department of Guru Nanak Studies, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar on 21-22 November, 2018.
  • Presented a paper on the topic ਪਰਵਾਸੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਸਾਹਿਤ ਵਿਚ ਪੇਸ਼ ਹੋ ਰਹੇ ਸਮਕਾਲੀ ਸਰੋਕਾਰ : ਸਥਿਤੀ ਅਤੇ ਸੰਭਾਵਨਾਵਾਂ (ਰਵਿੰਦਰ ਸਹਿਰਾਅ ਰਚਿਤ ਕਾਵਿ-ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹਿ ‘ਕੁਝ ਨਾ ਕਹੋ’ ਦੇ ਆਧਾਰ’ਤੇ), ਪਰਵਾਸੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਸਾਹਿਤ: ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤੀਆਂ ਤੇ ਸੰਭਾਵਨਾਵਾਂ, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਸਾਹਿਤ ਅਧਿਐਨ ਵਿਭਾਗ, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ,ਪਟਿਆਲਾ, 9-11 ਜਨਵਰੀ 2019.
  • Paper presented on the topic of ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਅਖਾਣਾ ਵਿਚ ਰਿਸ਼ਤਾ ਨਾਤਾ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧ: ਚਿਹਨ ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ ਅਧਿਐਨ, ਸਰਬ ਭਾਰਤੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ ਅਤੇ ਲੋਕਧਾਰਾ ਕਾਨਫਰੰਸ,  Punjabi linguistics association and Punjabi Adhyan School Punjab University, Chandigarh, 22-23 ਫਰਵਰੀ 2019.
  • Attended a Special Lecture on the topic “Sahit ate Sahit Adhiyan de Bunyadimasle” organised by Department of Punjabi, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, July 29, 2019.
  • Participated in Five Days Workshop on “Punjabi Bhasha ate SahitAdhiyapan: Samasyavan ate samadhan” organised by Punjabi Department and TLC, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, From October 1 to 5, 2019. 
  • Participated in University level Debate Competition and Got First prize on Swach Bhart Abhiyan in 2019. 
  • Presented a on the topic ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਵ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਰਚਿਤ ਬਾਰਾਂਮਾਹ ਤੁਖਾਰੀ ਵਿਚ ਸਿਰਜਤ ਸੁਹਾਗਣ ਦਾ ਸੰਕਲਪ in two Days National Seminar hosted by Department of Guru Nanak Studies, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, 22-23 November, 2019
  • Published a Research Paper titled ਗੁਰੂ ਰਾਮਦਾਸ ਰਚਿਤ ਬਾਣੀ ਲਾਵਾਂ: ਚਿਹਨ-ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ ਅਧਿਐਨ. Ajoke Shilalekh (A peer reviewed Punjabi Research Journal) January-February 2020 issue, ISSN-ISBN no. 2348-2664, 29-35print 
  • Participated in Creative writing competition held during ‘Foundation week celebration’ and got First prize In February, 2020 
  • Attended One day International Webinar on the theme “Samkali Punjabi Kavita” Organised By Department of Punjabi, Doaba College, Jalandhar, June 4, 2020
  • Participated in E-Quiz of Hindi Conducted by Department of Hindi, Mai Bhago Degree College, Ralla (Mansa), Punjab, July 8, 2020
  • Participated in E-Quiz of ‘Punjabi Literature’ Conducted by Department of Punjabi, Mai Bhago Degree College, Ralla (Mansa), Punjab, July 8, 2020
  • Participated in “Plagiarism Awareness-Research & Academic Ethics” (National Level E-Quiz) Organized by the Faculty of Doctoral Studies & Research and Faculty of Computer Application in association with Indian Society for Technical Education on July 21, 2020
  • Attended One day National Webinar on the theme “Remembering Shri Guru TegBahadurji: His Contribution and Significance in History”, Organised by PG Department of History/Travel & Tourism, DAV College, Amritsar on July 28, 2020
  • Attended One day Webinar on the theme “COVID-19 de dour vich Vidhyarthian da sarav-pakhivikas ate Online Padhayi” organised by Punjabi Department, Guru Nanak Dev University College, Filour (Jalandhar), August 1, 2020
  • Attended One day Webinar on the theme “BadaldianSamkaliPrasthitian de parsang vich jeevan-jaach” organised byPost-Graduation Department of Punjabi, Guru Gobind Singh College, Sanghera (Barnala), August 4, 2020 
  • Attended One day National Webinar on the theme “Punjabi Literature: History and Contemporary Challenges” organised by Department of History, DAV College for Women, FerozepurCantt.  August 4, 2020
  • Attended One day Webinar on the theme ‘Hind Di Chadar, Guru TegBahadur’ organised byPost-Graduation Department of Punjabi, Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala, Punjab, August 8, 2020
  • Participated in “E-Quiz on Libraries” Organized by Library, Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala (Punjab)on August 12, 2020
  • Participated in Zara YaadKaroQurbani’ online Quiz Competition on 15th August 2020 Independence Day, Organised by Department of Political Science, DAV College for Women FerozepurCantt., from 13th August to 15th August 2020
  • Participated in ‘Women and Environment’ (E-Quiz) Organised by the Centre for Women’s Studies, Bangalore University, Bengluru on 13th August, 2020
  • Participated in One day online international workshop on “Research Process and Outcomes: How to Publish in Reputed Journals” organised by University Business School, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, August 13, 2020.
  • AttendedTwo Weeks International Lecture Series on “Contemporary Critical Theories” organised by Daath Voyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English, August 25 to September 7,  2020
  • Participated in Five days online workshop on “Guru TegBahadurJi di Baani: Teeka-kaari ate Kosh-kaari” organised by Guru Gobind Singh Department of Religious Studies and Guru Gobind Singh Chair, Punjabi University, Patiala, October 1-5, 2020
  • Participated in ‘Sabarmati KeSantkoJaniye’ Online Quiz Competition on the Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Ji,  Organized by Department of Political Science, DAV College for Women FerozepurCantt., 2nd October 2020
  • Participated in Holi Competition, Best out of Waste Competition and Food Carnival Competition during University Foundation Week Celebrations February 2021, and got 2nd prize in Food Carnival Competition.
  • Participated in 400th Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’’, online Quiz organized by Department of Languages of B.A.M Khalsa College, Garhshankar, Hoshiarpur (PB)., 22 April to 25 April, 2021 
  • Attended One Day Webinar on the theme ਗੁਰੂ ਤੇਗ ਬਹਾਦਰ ਜੀ ਦੀ ਬਾਣੀ ਦਾ ਦਾਰਸ਼ਨਿਕ ਅਧਿਐਨ Organized by Gujjranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa Collage, Ludhiana, 15May, 2021.
  • Attended One Day Webinar on the theme ਅਰਥ-ਵਿਗਿਆਨ ਅਤੇ ਭਾਰਤੀ ਅਰਥ ਪਰੰਪਰਾ, Organized by Punjabi Bhasha Academy, Jalandhar and Gujjranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana, 16 July, 2021.
  • Published a paper titled ਅਨੁਮਾਨੀ ਅਤੇ ਪੁਰਵ-ਵਿਆਪੀ ਪੜ੍ਹਤ: ਚਿਹਨਾਤਮਕ-ਸੰਚਾਰ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧ ਦੇ ਪਰਿਪੇਖ ਵਿਚ, Sanwad (A peer Reviewed and UGC approved Punjabi Research Journal), Khalsa Collage, Amritsar. (14th) July-December issue, 2021 (ISSN 2395-1273) 77-88 print
  • Attended Special Lecture on the topic of Sikh Community in North-East India, organized by Department of History, Central University of Punjab, 26 August, 2021
  • Participated in the Discussion on the Meaning Process of Gurbani, Lecture by Dr. Gurmail Singh, 31 August 2021.
  • Attended special Lecture on How to have a Better Understanding of Gurbani Lecture by Dr. Gurwinder Singh, Simon Frazer University, Canada, 28 September, 2021
  • Published a paper on ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਵ ਜੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਸਿਰਜਤ ਸੁਹਾਗਣ ਦਾ ਸੰਕਲਪ, Anhad E magazine (A peer reviewed Punjabi Research journal), ISSN 2516-9009, 39-44, 2021 Online
  • Participated in PM’s Mentoring Yuva Scheme 2021 and got a Certificate of Participation by National Book Trust, India. 
  1. Sukhmanpreet Kaur, Ph.D Research Scholar, Registration No. 17phdlcl01
  • Attended, One day workshop on Research methodology at Guru Kashi Campus, Punjab University, Talwandi Sabho,  November 17, 2017
  • Presented a Paper on “Novel Begane: Beganiyat De Sankalap De BadaldeSamikarna Di Viyakaran Da NavanParvachan” in Two Days International Conference on Diasporic Punjabi literature, Gujjranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana,  Febuary 16-17, 2018
  • Participated in  Six Days workshop on the subject “Gurbani Grammar” from September 2-8, 2018, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo.
  • Presented a paper on “Sat ate Sathapati de SandarabhVich Babar bani di vartmansarthakta”in two days National Seminar on the theme ‘Guru Nanak Bani di Bahupakhi Sarthakta: Ekvi saadi de Sandarbhvich’ organised by Department of Guru Nanak Studies, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar on  November 21-22,  2018.
  • Presented a paper on ‘Parvaasi Punjabi Jivan Anubhav Vich Beganiyat de Sankalap Da Badalda Parvachan’, in the in the three days international conference on the topic of Parvaasi Punjabi sahit: paraptiyan ate sambhavnava organized by Punjabi SahitAdhiyanVibhag, Punjabi University, Patiala. 9 january, 2019
  • Published a Paper on “Novel Begane: Beganiyat De Sankalap de Badalde Samikarna di Viyakaran da Navan Parvachan” Jarneal Singh Sekha: Abinadan Granth” ed. Harbir Singh Bhanvar, Chetna Parkashan, Ludhana, 2019. Pages 148-162, ISBN 978-93-87629-95-0
  • Published a Paper on “Etho  Registan Disda Hai Noval Vichla Chihan Parband”, Ajoke Shilalekh, Joginder Singh Kairon, July- September,2019 issue
  • Participated in one week workshop on "Punjabi Bhasha Ate Sahit Adhyapan: Smaseyavan Ate Samadan", Organized by CUPB,TLC, 1-5 October,2019
  • Participated in Rangoli, Best out waste and Story writing competition during foundation week celebration in February, 2020 
  • Participated in, One day workshop on Indian Philosophy organized by Guru Kashi Punjabi University Campus, Talwandi Sabo, 21 February,2020 
  • Presented a Paper on “Bani-Path Thhiti Mehala Pehla: Path-Parvachan Vishleshan” International Conference of Punjabi literature organized by Department of Punjabi Literary Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala, 25-27 February,2020
  • Published two poems (Jind and Sach) in Punjabi Jagran,February,2020
  • Presented a Paper on “Kabir-BaniVich Dalit Parsangik Path-Parbandha Da Parvachan-Vishleshan”, in Seventh All India Linguistics and Folklore Conference organized by Punjabi Linguistics Assocciation, Patiala, 4-6 March,2020
  • Participated in Seven Days Online Workshop on Punjabi BhashaVich Computer Di Varton” Organized by Punjabi University, Patiala, 8-14 April,2020
  • Participated in a webinar on Ajhoke Dour Vich Sahit Di Bhumika, Punjab University College, SBS Nagar,20 July,2020
  • Participated in a webinar on Smajak Badlao Ate Lekhak di Bhumika, SUS. Punjab University college,Firozpur, 22 July,2020
  • Participated in Seven days online workshop on Media Reporting organized by Shri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh sahib, 03-09 August,2020
  • Participated in Web Series on Reading from Indian Aesthetics, NIAS consciousness studies programe, 17-20 August,2020
  • Participated in a webinar Shri Guru TeghBahadurJi Da Jeevan, Vichardhara Ate Phalaspha, Goswam Ganesh Dutta S.D college, Chandigarh, 20 August,2020 
  • Published a research paper on “Thiti Bhagat Kabir Ji ki: Path Vishleshan atmakAtha”, Sheeraja, Popindersingh paras, September-october,2020
  • Participated in a webinar Punjabi Bhasha Ate Sahit Diyan Jarhan: Ik Vivechan, Central University of Himachal Perdesh, Dharmshala, 18 September,2020
  • Published two poems 'Maya Nagari' and 'Beri', in  Muhandera magazine, September,2020
  • Participated in Five days online workshop on Shri Guru Tegh Bahadhur Bani : Teekakari te Koshkari Organized by Guru Gobind Singh Religion Studies Department, Punjabi university, Patiala, 1-5 October,2020
  • Participated in Best out of waste competition, Rangoli competition, Food carnival competition and Sport Meet activities during Foundation week celebration in February, 2021 
  • Published a Paper on “Guru Tegh Bahadurji di Bani Vich Jiwan-Mukati de Parvachan di Pathatmak Sarachna” in Panjab Journal of Sikh Studies, (Volume VII,2020 issue), ISSN 2231-2757, pp 155-169, March 2021
  1. Mrs. Sandeep Kaur, Registration No. 17phdlcl02
  • Attended, One day workshop on Research Methodology at Guru Kashi Campus, Punjabi University, Talwandi Sabo, 17 November, 2017
  • Presented a paper on Rishtyian de nve Samikarana di Sankalapatamak Anubhuti da Bhupakhi Birtant: Harbhajan Haans Rachit Novel Rishtey, in two days International Conference on Diasporic Punjabi Literature, Gujjranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana, 16-17 February, 2018.
  • Participated in a Seven Days workshop on Gurbani Grammar at Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, September 2-8, 2018. 
  • Presented a paper on Guru Nanak rachit bani Alhaunian Vichli Sadivi Sach di Sancharatamakta in One day National Seminar on the theme ‘Kal Tarn Gur Nanak Aaya’ organised by Sant Baba Bhag Singh Memorial Khalsa College, Phagwara on 2 November, 2018.  
  • Participated in a one day Seminar on Life, Philosophy and Impact of Guru Gobind Singh, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 19 November, 2018.
  • Participated in a one day Seminar on Namdhari Sikhs in Independent India, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 20 November, 2018.
  • Presented a paper on Parvasi jeevan vich bdalde rishteyian da smasyakar: sthiti ate sambhavna(harbhajan haans novel rishtey de adhar te) in the Three Days International Conference on the theme of ‘Parvasi Punjabi sahit: prapatiyan ate sambhavnava’ organised by Department of Punjabi Literary Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala on 9 to 11 January 2019.
  • Participated in Special Lecture on Sahit ate sahit adhiyan de bunadhi masle, organized by Department of Punjabi, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, July 29, 2019.
  • Published a paper titled  Maya: Manvi Hond di Talaash da Birtantik Pravachan in Ajoke Shilalekh (UGC approved Punjabi Research Journal), July-September issue, 2019 (ISSN 2348-2664) 79-82 print. 
  • Attended a Special Lecture on Punjabi Shabad nirukti: virsa ate Vartman,organized by Department of Punjabi, Central University Of Punjab, Bathinda, February 5, 2020. 
  • Published a paper titled  Sache vairaag di surjiti da sancharatamak sarup: raag vadhans mahala ੧ ghar ੫ Alhaunian, in Sheeraza (UGC approved Punjabi Research journal), May-June issue, 2020,  R.N.No. 28873/76, 82-96. 
  • Participated in Punjabi Literature  competition on covid 19 pandemic, organized by MBD College, Ralla, Mansa, July 8, 2020.
  • Participated in Plagiarism Awareness-Research & Academic Ethics Organized by Integral University, Lucknow, july 21, 2020. 
  • Participated in One day National Webinar on Vartman Prsathianon me Bhasha Aur Sahitay Sikhshan: Chuntian Aur Smadhan, organized by deptt. of Hindi & pbi. Central University of Punjab, july 30, 2020.
  • Participated in One day National Webinar on the theme Punjabi Sahit: Itihas te Vartman Chuntian, deptt. of History, D.A.V. Women College, Ferozpur, August 4, 2020.  
  • Participated in One day National Webinar on the theme Bdaldian Samkali Prsathitian De prasang Vich Jeevan-Jaach, Department of Punjabi, Guru Gobind Singh College, Sanghera, Barnala, August 4, 2020.
  • Participated in an Awareness Campaign under Mission Fateh regarding COVID-19 organized by Red Ribbon Club and Mai Bhago degree College, Ralla, Mansa, August 4, 2020.
  • Participated in One day National Webinar on the theme Sirjana De Ang-Sang, Dr. Surjit Patar Kaav-Anubhav Ate Sirjan Prikirya, deptt. Of Punjabi, D.A.V. College, Hoshiarpur, august 11, 2020. 
  • Participated in E-Quiz on Libraries, organized by Library, Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala, august 12, 2020
  • Participated in a Webinar on Women and Environment, organized by Centre for Women Studies, Bangalore University, Bengaluru, August 13, 2020
  • Participated in a Webinar on Zara Yaad Karo Kurbani, Organized by DAV College for women, Ferozpur Cantt, 13-15 August, 2020.
  • Participated in a Two week lecture series on Contemporary Critical Theories, organized by Daath Voyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English, August 25 to September 07, 2020.
  • Participated in One day National Webinar on the theme of Sri Guru Teg Bhadur Ji da Jeevan Ate Vichardhara, organized by Guru Gobind Singh College, Sanghera, Barnala, August 29, 2020
  • Participated in One day National Webinar on the theme, Shristi di Chadar Sri Guru Teg Bahadur ji, organized by K.M.R.D. Jain College for Women, Malerkotla, September 12, 2020.
  • Participated in webinar on National Education Policy 2020 and Higher Education, organized by Panjab University Constituent College, Sikhwala, Sri Muktsar Sahib, September 16, 2020.
  • Participated in webinar on Sian Mian Meer: An Exponent of Spirituality & Inclusiveness, organized by S.B.D.S. Memorial Khalsa College, Domeli, Phagwara, September 16, 2020.
  • Participated in webinar on Health and wellness, Organized by NSS Cell, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, September 18, 2020.
  • Participated in webinar on Sri Guru Teg Bahadur ji,Organized by Rajasthan Punjabi Association, September 28, 2020. 
  • Participated in webinar on Women Empowerment New Paradigms in National Education policy 2020, organized by Internal Complaints Committee, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, September 30, 2020. 
  • Participated in Five Days online workshop on the theme of Guru Tegh Bahudur Ji Di Bani: Teekakari Ate Koshkari, organized by Guru Gobind Singh Deptt. of Religious Studies & Guru Gobind Singh Chair, Punjabi University, Patiala, 01-05 October, 2020.
  • Participated in webinar on Sabarmati ke Sant ko Janiye, Organized by DAV College for women, Ferozpur Cantt, October 02, 2020
  • Participated in One day National Webinar on the theme of Farmers’ Issues: Past, Present and Future organized by Sant Baba Dalip Singh Memorial Khalsa College, Domeli, Phagwara, October 10, 2020. 
  • Participated in One day National E-workshop on Research Methodology, organized by Mata Gujri College Fatehgarh Sahib on November 6, 2020.
  • Participated in National webinar on the theme of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Di Bani Di Bharti Smaj Nu Den, conducted by deptt.of History, Guru Gobind Singh College, Sanghera, Barnala, November 25, 2020.
  • Participate in webinar on Guru Nanak Bani Di Vishavviyapi Prasangikta, Organized by IQAC, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, November 27, 2020.
  • Participated in webinar on Guru Teg Bahudur Ji Di Bani: Jeevan Mukt Sidhant, organized by Guru Gobind Singh deptt. of Religious Studies & Guru Gobind Singh Chair, Pbi.Uni. Patiala, December 3, 2020. 
  • Presented a paper on Aasa di vaar: sadacharik prasangikta, in One day International Webinar on the theme of Social Ideology in Guru Nanak,s Bani: Contemporary and present perspective, organized by Mata Sahib Kaur Girls college of Education, Dhamo Majra, Patiala on 17 December, 2020.
  • Participated in the activities like Writing Proverbs or idioms in Mother Language and Artistically Writing the Name of the University in Your language in Matribhasha Diwas Celebration, as Part of the Foundation Week Celebrations-2021) at Central University Of Punjab, on (21.02.2021.
  • Participated in Best out of Waste and Rangoli competition on 22.02.2021 at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
  • Participated in the webinar on Bhasha ate Bhasha Neeti, Organized by Punjabi Bhasha academy and Gujranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana, April 22, 2021.
  • Participated in the webinar on Arth Vigyan ate Bharti arth prmpara, Organized by Punjabi Bhasha academy and Gujranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana, July 16, 2021.
  • Participated in the webinar on Punjabi Roop Vigyan Ate Kark parbandh, Organized by Punjabi Bhasha academy and Gujranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana, July 29, 2021.
  • Participated in Special Lecture on Sri Guru Granth Ji me Bhashai ekta ke sutar, Organized by, Department Of Hindi, Central University Of Punjab, Bathinda, September 28, 2021.
  1. Gurpreet Singh, Research Scholar, Reg. No. 19phdpbi01
  • Participated in an Online Workshop at Central University of Punjab on May 25-30, 2020.
  • Participated in Food Carnival at Central University of Punjab, 26 Feb 2021
  • Participated in National Webinar at Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa college, Bhagta Bhai Ka, on 13 July, 2020
  • Participated in the National Webinar at DAV College for Women, Ferozepur cantt. on 04-08-2020
  • Participated in Online Quiz Competition “Punjabi Literature” Mai Bhago Degree College, Ralla


Prof. Zameerpal Kaur

Capacity Funding Agency Project Title Duration Grant
Principal Investigator UGC funded Major Research Project Ecocriticism and Modern Punjabi Poetry Two Years- 2013-2015 INR 7,96,100/-
Co- Principal Investigator ICSSR funded Major Research Project Tracing Evolutionary Heritage of Indian Languages Using Computational Phelogenetics Two Years- 2015-2017 INR 7,00,000/-
Evening School Project Rashtrya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi. Teaching of Sanskrit One Year INR 200000/-
Full Conference Bursary University of British Columbia, Vancouver for participation in the Workshop 17-20 August 2017 CAN$ 1800
US Travel Grant ASLE -FSLE to present paper in the conference at University of California at Davis June, 2019 US$ 1000


  • Signing of MoU with Central Institute of Indian Languages: With an initiative of the Department of Punjabi, the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (CUPB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Central Institute of Indian Languages ​​(CIIL), Mysore to enhance academic interchange between the two institutions to promote teaching and research on 16.09.2021. During the programme, Shri Kanwal Pal Singh Mundra, Registrar, CUPB and Dr. Narayan Chaudhary, Assistant Director, CIIL, signed the pact in the gracious presence of Prof. Raghavendra P. Tiwari, CUPB Vice Chancellor, and Prof. Shailendra Mohan, Director, CIIL. Earlier to this, Dr. Tariq Khan, Dr. Narayan Chaudhary, and Dr. Pankaj Dwivedi shared details related to various schemes running at CIIL such as National Translation Mission (NTM), Linguistic Data Consortium of Indian Languages (LDC-IL), National Testing Service (NTS) of India, etc.


    • Online Interaction Session: The department organized an online Interaction, dated 30 July, 2021 on the topic "ਸਾਹਿਤ ਦੇ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀਆਂ ਲਈ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਵਿਚ ਰੁਜ਼ਗਾਰ ਦੀਆਂ ਸੰਭਾਵਨਾਵਾਂ" (Employment Oppurtunities in Media for the Students of Literature). In This interaction Sh. Rajeev Arora, Station Director, AIR, FM, was the main guest. In his interaction with students, Mr. Rajiv Kumar Arora apprised the students about the declining employment opportunities in the traditional media and said that while the number of traditional jobs was declining, there was also a dearth of suitable candidates. Therefore, students need to focus more on skill at academic level. In this interaction session Dr. Rubal Kanojia, Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies also elaborated his views on the employment prospects in online web-based media. He said that nowadays there are more employment opportunities in regional languages media, but for this the students need to come out of the traditional mindset.
    • Special online lecture: To celebrate the birth anniversary of legendary Punjabi poet Shiv Kumar Batalavi, the department organized a special online lecture on the title "ਸ਼ਿਵ ਕੁਮਾਰ ਬਟਾਲਵੀ ਦੀ ਕਵਿਤਾ: ਪੁਨਰ ਸੰਵਾਦ" (Revisiting Shiv Kumar Batalvi’s Poetry), on 23 July, 2021. Prof. Sukhdev Singh Sirsa, former professor and head, department of Punjabi, Panjab University, Chandigarh was the speaker for this lecture. In his lecture Prof. Sirsa  talked about the myths and misconceptions of Shiv Kumar’s poetry, problems of the criticism of Punjabi poetry, the wider spectrum of the metaphoric structures, sociological-psychological concerns of Batalavi’s poetry and its present relevance.

    • Special lecture: Under the lecture series on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav programme of the university, the department organized one special lecture on the title “ਸਪਤਸਿੰਧੂ ਖੇਤਰ ਦਾ ਸੁਤੰਤਰਤਾ ਅੰਦੋਲਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਯੋਗਦਾਨ” (Sapt Sindhu Shetar Ka Savtantarta Andolan Mein Yogdaan) on 23 March, 2021. Prof. Harmohinder Singh Bedi, Hon'ble Chancellor, Central University of Himachal Pradesh was the speaker, who talked about the historical importance of the land of seven rivers in the Indian sub-continent and highlighted the significant contribution of freedom fighters of Punjab to the independence movement of India.
    • National webinar To celebrate the 354th Birth Anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the department organized one day national webinar on the title "ਸ਼੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਦੀ ਬਾਣੀ: ਰਾਸ਼ਟਰੀ ਚੇਤਨਾ" (National Consciousness in the Bani of Sri Guru Gobind Singh) on 20 January, 2021. Sh. Gurcharan Singh Gill, Additional Advocate General (Retd.) Govt. of Rajasthan, Jaipur was the Chief speaker in this webinar, who talked about the different aspects of Guru Sahib's philosophy and its present day relevance, in the context of various compositions written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. 

  • Two-day Webinar series: The Department of Punjabi under the patronage of Vice Chancellor Prof. Raghavendra P. Tiwari organized a two-day webinar series on the theme ‘Relationship of Punjabi Language with other Languages on 15th & 16th January 2021. Under this Webinar Series, two lecture sessions were conducted on the sub-themes i.e. ‘Punjabi & Sanskrit’ and ‘Punjabi & Urdu. The keynote speakers of this Webinar were Prof. Renu Bala, Former Professor, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar and Prof. Nashir Naqvi, Former Professor, Punjabi University Patiala.

  • Special Lecture entitled “ਸ਼ੋਸ਼ਲ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਉੱਤੇ ਰੂਪਾਂਤਰਤ ਹੋ ਰਹੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਲੋਕਧਾਰਾ” (Social Media Utte Rupantrit ho rahi Punjabi Lokdhara) by Prof. Rawail Singh, Professor, Department of Punjabi, University of Delhi, Delhi on December 23, 2020. 
  • Invited Lecture: To Inaugurate the Proficiency in Punjabi Language Course for Faculty and Staff, the department organized an invited lecture in online mode on the theme “ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ, ਸਾਹਿਤ ਅਤੇ ਸਭਿਆਚਾਰ” (Punjabi Language, Literature and Culture) on 9th December 2020. Prof. (Dr.) P. S. Sidhu, Former Head and Professor, School of Punjabi Studies, G.N.D.U. was the Resource Person. In his lecture, Prof. Sidhu talked about the concept of language and the importance of language in the context of Indian linguistic philosophical tradition and highlighted the correlation of a culture and language. 


  • One day National Webinar on the Theme "Teachings of Language and Literature in the Present Situations: Problems and Solutions" in collaboration with the Department of Hindi on 30th July, 2020. In this webinar three Resource Persons from different universities (Prof. Sheoraj Singh, Delhi University; Prof. Sudha Jitender, GNDU, Amritsar and Dr. Gurmeet Singh, Panjab University, Chandigarh) shared their views on the various challenges of the teaching and learning of Language and Literature during Corona pandemic. They also talked about the new techniques and platforms which are useful and can contribute positively in the teaching and learning of language and literature. 154 participants from different states of India attended the webinar.

  • Online workshop about ‘Learning How to Create a Website’ was conducted from 25th to 30th May, 2020. 60 applications were received for the workshop and first 30 participants were selected for participation. Daily two hour sessions comprising of online-lecture, discussion and hands-on practice with Google Sites were conducted during the six-day workshop 
  • Special Lectures by Prof. S. K. Dweshwar, Former Professor, Department of Punjabi, Panjab University, Chandigarh and Prof. Rawail Singh, Professor, Department of Punjabi, University of Delhi, Delhi were organized on 19th and 20th February, 2020 respectively.
  • Special Lecture by Prof. Pararmjit Singh Dhingra on “ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਨਿਰੁਕਤੀ: ਵਿਰਸਾ ਤੇ ਵਰਤਮਾਨ” (Punjabi Etymology: Past and Present) on 5th February, 2020. Faculty and students of the Department of Punjabi and Department of Hindi attended the programme.
  • Tri-Lingual Kavi Darbar: The department organized a Tri-Lingual Kavi Darbar with financial assistance from Punjab Urdu Academy, Malerkotla in the university auditorium on 25th November, 2019. Vice Chancellor Prof. R. K. Kohli presided over the function while Secretary of the Urdu Academy and SDM Phagwara, Mr. Latif Ahmed was the chief guest. Renowned Urdu Poets such as Dr. Mohammad Rafi, Dr. Mohammad Salim Zuberi, Sahibzada Ajmal Khan Sherwani and Zafar Ahmad Zafar presented their poems. Hindi poets Sandeep Kumar Bishnoi and Dr. Rajinder Kumar and Punjabi poet Dr. Zameerpal Kaur also shared their meaningful poems. Dean, Academic Affairs, Registrar, Faculty and students of different departments of the university were present on this occasion.

  • Conduct of National Level Punjabi Workshop under TLC: Faculty of the Department, Dr. Amandeep Singh and Dr. Ramanpreet Kaur conducted One Week National Workshop, for the teachers, titled “ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਹਿਤ ਅਧਿਆਪਨ: ਸਮੱਸਿਆਵਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸਮਾਧਾਨ” under Literature Studies discipline of Teaching Learning Centre (TLC), PMMMNMTT scheme. The workshop was conducted from 1-10-2019 to 5-10.2019, in which 42 participants from various colleges and university departments and 10 subject experts took part.

  • Literary Activities: Literary programmes about Ajmer Singh Aulakh and Ram Sarup Ankhi were organized on 19.08.2019 and 28.08.2019 respectively in the classroom.

  • Book Exhibition: Department of Punjabi organized an exhibition of Books of Punjabi Language and Literature in collaboration with a group of students of Punjabi University, Patiala under their mission of “Books and Library in Each Home”.

  • Invited Lecture: An invited lecture on “Introduction to Literature and Literary Studies” by Prof. Jaswinder Singh, Former Head, Department of Punjabi, Punjabi University, Patiala was organized on 29.07.2019.


The  Alumni are regularly in touch with the department faculty via email and through WhatsApp  group and  also actively participating in all online programs/ events organized by the department. Some of them are engaged in school and college level teaching and some are pursuing higher education in different universities like Delhi University, Delhi, Punjab University, Chandigarh and Punjabi University, Patiala. Our Alumni are also actively participating in the Alumni meets organized at department and university level.

Curriculum Development Committee(CDC)




Minutes of Meetings
  •  Minutes of the CDC Meeting held on 04.02.2020 