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Dr. Vipan Pal Singh
Dr Vipan Pal Singh, Associate Professor, Department of English, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
Dr. Vipan Pal Singh


Teaching Experience
21 years
Research Experience
14 years
Administrative Experience
Any Other Experience


Research Area

*Postcolonial Studies, Literary and Critical Theories

Research Interests

Postcolonial Studies

Research Grants/Projects

Working on a research project "The Postcolonial Adorno"

Professional Affiliation

Life member, Forum on Contemporary Theory, Vadodra, India



1.      “Roland Barthes’s Transition from Structuralism to Poststructuralism” in the journal Atlantic Literary Review.

2.     “Mystical Elements in Ranchan’s O’er Travell’d Trails” in the journal Conifers.

3.     “Edward Said’s Discourse of Dispossession” in Journal of Contemporary Thought.

4.     “Fanon’s Discourse of Decolonization” in the journal Critical Space.

5.     “Hybridity in Bhabhaesque Parlance” in Journal of Contemporary Thought.

6.     “Postcolonial Dimensions of World Literature” in Atlantic Literary Review.

7.     “Edward Said and the Foucalutian Anxiety of Influence” in the journal Literary Endeavour.

8.     “Imperialism and Ideological Boundaries in Heart of Darkness” in the journal Research Analysis and Evaluation.

9.     “Heart of Darkness as a Narrative of Multifarious Themes” in the journal Pramana.

10. “The Frankfurt School and the Origins of Critical Theory” in the journal Chintan.

11.   “Postcolonial Issues in the Poetry of Derek Walcott” published in the journal Chintan.

12. “Fredric Jameson and Postmodernism as a Cultural Dominant of Capitalism” in the journal Research Analysis and Evaluation.

13.  “Existential Quest in Patrick White’s The Tree of Man” published in the journal The Atlantic Literary Review.

14. “Orientalism as a Discourse of Imperial Expansion” published in the journal The Atlantic Critical Review.

  1. Article “Amilcar Cabral” in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti- Imperialism.
  2. Article “Chinua Achebe” in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti- Imperialism.
  3. Article on “Hinduism” in Asian American Culture: From Anime to Tiger Moms, published by ABC-CLIO, US.
  4. Article on “Buddhism” in Asian American Culture: From Anime to Tiger Moms, published by ABC-CLIO, US.
  5. Article on “Disraeli, Benjamin” in The British Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia, published by Greenwood Press, US.
  6. Article on “Fabian Society” in The British Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia, published by Greenwood Press, US.
  7. Article on “Glorious Revolution” in The British Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia, published by Greenwood Press, US.
  8. Article on “Mercantilism” in The British Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia, published by Greenwood Press, US.
  1. Frantz Fanon and Critical Theory for Decolonization
  2. Landmarks of English Literature
Book Chapters
1. “Identity Crisis in Postmodern Age” in the anthology Art, Culture and Theory: Mapping the Transition from Modernism to Postmodernism.
2. “Colonialism/Postcolonialism: A Multicultural South Asian Perspective” in the anthology Multicultural and Marginalized Voices of Postcolonial Literature published by Rowman and Littlefield, New York.


Research Guidance

PhD 6

MPhil Dissertation 1

P. G. Dissertation 5

Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended


  1. Research paper on Dynamics/Disjunctures of “World Literature” at the international conference jointly organized by the University of Delhi and Postdam University, Germany on 15-17 March, 2018.
  2. Research paper on Media and Alternative Mediums: A Postcolonial Perspective at the national seminar organized by Panjab University Rural Centre, Kauni, Punjab on 11-12 April, 2018.
  3. Research paper on “Transnationalism, Modernity and Diaspora Criticism” at the international conference organized by the Centre for Diaspora Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala on 24-26 February, 2014.
  4. Research paper on “Hate Crimes against US Sikh Diaspora” at the national workshop organized by the Centre for Diaspora Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala on 28-30 March, 2014.
  5. Research paper on “South Asian Aesthetics in the Poetry of Faiz Ahmad Faiz” at the National Seminar organized by the Dept of English, Punjabi University, Patiala on 6- 7 March, 2014.
  6. Research paper on “Exploring Alterity in Bhabha’s Discourse” at the National Seminar organized by the Dept of English, Punjabi University, Patiala on 13-14 March, 2013.
  7. Research paper on “Quest for Identity in Aime Cesaire’s Notebook of a Return to the Native Land” at the National Seminar on Prophetic Visions and Voices in Poetry: Writing Self and the World organized by the Dept of English, Punjabi University, Patiala on 29-30 March, 2012.
  8. Research paper on “Post-Soviet Fiction of Vassily Aksyonov as a Mirror of Russian Liberalism” at the International Conference on The Russian Discourse in Contemporary Intercultural Context organized by the Dept of SFUS, University of Delhi on 1-2 March, 2012.
  9. Research paper on “Exile and Intellectual Responsibility of Edward Said” at the International Conference on Minority Discourses Across Cultures organized by the Central University of Rajasthan & Comparative Literature Association of India, on 26-28 March, 2012.
  10. Research paper on “Shakespeare and Subaltern Studies: A Contrapuntal Approach” at the UGC sponsored International Seminar on Subalterns in Shakespeare – A Post- postcolonial Scrutiny, jointly organized by The Shakespeare Association of India and St. Bedes College, Shimla, on 24-25 September, 2011.
  11. Research paper on the topic “Marxist Aesthetics in Brecht’s Life of Galileo” at the National Seminar on Reassessing World Drama: Visions, Experiments, Traditions, organized by the Dept of English, Punjabi University, Patiala on 17-18 February, 2011.
  12. Research paper on the topic “Identity Crisis in Postmodern Age” at the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Art, Culture and Theory – Mapping the Transition from Modernism to Postmodernism, organized by the Dept of English, Govt. Brijindra College, Faridkot, on 3-4 February, 2011.
  13. Research paper on “Media Culture and the Construction of Postmodern Identities” at the 13th International FCT Conference on The Virtual Transformation of the Public Sphere, jointly organized by the Forum on Contemporary Theory, Vadodra and Panjab University, Chandigarh on 15-18 December, 2010.
  14. Research paper on “The Merchant of Venice as a Parable of Materialist Contradictions” at the Sixth World Shakespeare Conference, jointly organized by the Shakespeare Society of Eastern India and Shakespeare Center for Advanced Research, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, on 11-15 December, 2010.
  15. Research paper on “The Empire Strikes Back: Globalization, Neo-imperialism and the Relevance of Postcolonial Studies” at the International Seminar on Theory at Work: Text, History and Culture, jointly organized by the ICSSR, Sahitya Academy and the Dept. of English, Banaras Hindu University, on 9-11 November, 2010.
  16. Research paper on “Reading Subaltern Studies: Beyond Historiographical Gaps” at the National Seminar organized by the Dept. of English, Punjabi University, Patiala, on 25-26 February, 2010.
  17. Research paper on “Postcolonial Theory and Colonial Discourse” at the National Seminar on Literary Theory and Criticism: A Journey from Traditional to Post Structural Era, organized by the Dept. of English, Dev Samaj College for Women, on 20th January, 2009.
  18. Research paper on “Frantz Fanon and the Neo-Marxist Paradigm of Colonial Resistance,” at the National Seminar on Articulating Reality: Literature, Ethics and Culture, organized by the Dept. of English, Punjabi University, Patiala on 21-22 February, 2008.
  19. Delivered extension lecture on the topic “Critical Issues of the Novel: The Trial by Franz Kafka” at Baba Farid College, Bathinda on 20 Nov, 2012.


Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised


  1. Member of the organizing committee for UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Art, Culture and Theory – Mapping the Transition from Modernism to Postmodernism” organized by Govt. Brijindra College, Faridkot, on 3-4 February, 2011.
  2. Convener of inter-college symposium on Jallianwala Bagh Massacre organized by Govt Brijindra College, Faridkot on 5 March 2019.



  1. Attended UGC Sponsored Refresher Course on “Literature and Thought”,  jointly  organized  by  the  UGC  Academic  Staff  College  and  the Dept.  of  English,  Jadavpur  University,  Kolkata,  on  2 -21  February,  2009, and  obtained  “A” grade.
  2. Attended Workshop organized by the Department of Higher Education and ITFT, Chandigarh from 3rd January to 7th January, 2016.


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