HoD & Associate Professor
Department of Law,
School of Legal Studies
Central University of Punjab
Punjab, India
2009 Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.), Faculty of Law, University of Allahabad, Allahabad
2003 UGC-NET (Dec. 2003)
2001-2003 Master of Laws (LL.M.), Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
1999-2000 PG Diploma in Criminology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
1996-1999 Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
1993-1996 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) University of Allahabad, Allahabad.
1993 Intermediate (XII), U. P. Board (Christian Inter College, Mainpuri, UP)
1991 High School (X), U. P. Board (S. D. Inter College Hasanpur, Mainpuri, UP)
Teaching Experience:
LL.B., B.A. LL.B. Programme
LL.M. Programme
Research Experience:
17 years of Teaching and research experience
Administrative Experience:
- HoD, Department of Law CUPB (Since 2023)
- Member, IQAC, CUPB (2018 to 2020)
- Coordinator, Competitive Examination Cell, CUPB (2012- 2021)
- Coordinator, Human Rights Programme, CUPB (2014- 2016)
- Convener, Human Rights Club, CUPB (2021 onwards)
- Programme Advisor, Centre for Law, CUPB
- Officiating in charge of the Centre for Environmental Law and Department of Law, Central University of Punjab, on various occasions since 2012.
Any Other Experience
- Member School Board, School of Legal Studies, CUPB
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Law, CUPB
- Member, Academic Committee, Department of Law, CUPB
- Member, Administrative Committee, Department of Law CUPB
- Member, Competitive Examination Cell, CUPB (2016- 2021)
- Member, Executive Committee, Human Rights Club, CUPB (2016- 2021)
- Member of Local Library Committee, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. (2013-2015)
- Member, Anti-Ragging Squad, Human Rights Club, CUPB
- Member, Core Committee for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), CUPB
- Member NAAC Team, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. Prepared Criteria VI & Report Department of Law for NAAC SSR (2016) (2014- 2016)
Human Rights
Women's and Children's Rights
Local Self Governance
Human Rights Approach to Environmental Protection
Human Rights and Climate Change
- Project Director, Major Research Project funded by National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi, (Title: Promotion of Human Rights in the Rural Local Self Governance: Evidence from Punjab, Haryana and HP, Research Grant: Rs. 9,31,358) Completed
- Project Director, Major Research Project, funded by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education in Ministry of Education, Government of India (Title: Women Empowerment through Reservation in Panchayati Raj Institutions: Evidence from Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh in Post-COVID-19 (Research Grant: Rs. 5,50,000) Completed
- Principal Investigator, Minor Research Project funded by Central University of Punjab (Title: Emerging Trend in Transnational Environmental Crime: A Case Study of Illegal Trade, Criminal Activities &Legal Response, Research Grant: Rs. 1,50,000) Completed
- Project Co-Director, Minor Research Project funded by ICSSR, New Delhi (An Analysis of the Implementation of Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act 2016 in the State of Punjab) (Research Grant: Rs. 4,50,000) Ongoing
- Project Supervisor, Minor Research Project funded by Dr. Ambedkar Chair on Human Rights and Environmental Values (Title: Realizing Human Rights in Rural India: Evidence from Selected Panchayats of Bathinda, Punjab, (Research Grant: Rs. 20,000) Ongoing
Grant Received from Government Agencies:
- Certificate Course in Human Rights & Duties under the Scheme of Human Rights Education funded by UGC, New Delhi (Grant Received: Rs. 4,00,000)
- Awareness Programmes about Women related Laws, Funded by the National Commission for Women, New Delhi. (Grant Received: Rs. 3,00,000)
- One Day Training Programme on Human Rights on 15 Nov. 2018 Funded by National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi. (Grant Received: Rs. 50,000)
- One Day Training Programme on Human Rights on 20 Dec. 2015 Funded by National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi. (Grant Received: Rs. 50,000)
- Associate Member of Indian Society of International Law
- Life Member, Indian Political Science Association Membership No. 3136
- Life Member of Indian Society of Criminology Membership No. 1635
- Life Member of Indian Society of Victimology
- Life Member of All India Law Teachers Congress Membership No. 450
- Life Member, Indian Society of US Law & Policy
- Member, International Society for Environmental Information Science
- Member, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL)
- Membership of Executive Committee of the ACADEMIQUE, BHU Varanasi in 2002-2003 terms.
- Member of Editorial Board: Journal of Humanities and Culture (ISSN 2393 8285)
- Member of Editorial Board: Asian Journal of Human Development and Livelihood, ISSN: 2250-3161.
- Member of Editorial Board: Asian Journal of Advance Studies, ISSN: 2395-4965.
- Awarded Merit Certificate for the year 2016-2017 for contribution to Competitive Examination Cell, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 28 Feb 2017 (08th Foundation Day Celebrations 2017)
- Letter of Commendation for preparation/compilation of SSR Volume II (CH-VI) and Evaluative Report of the Centre for Law, CUPB for NAAC Accreditation.
32. Educational Rights of Children with Incarcerated Parents) Children's Legal Rights Journal Volume 44 Issue 02, 2024. Children's Legal Rights Journal - Issue Library
31. Empowering Women to Combat Drug and Alcohol Issues through Participation in Local Self-Governance: A Study, Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research, 2024 (5) DOI: 10.4303/JDAR/236299
30. Traditional Knowledge in Drug Development and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Legal and Ethical Perspective, Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research, Volume,13 Issue 9, 2024, DOI: 10.4303/JDAR/236408
29. Puneet Pathak & Debendra Nath Dash, Elected Women Representatives in Local Self-governance: Participation and Challenges, Kashmir Journal of Legal Studies, Volume,11 Nov. 01 July, 2024 https://kashmirjournaloflegalstudies.edu.in/JWS/Default.aspx
28. Puneet Pathak, ‘Realising Human Rights in Rural India through Panchayati Raj Institution’ Journal of National Human Rights Commission, Vol. 22, 2023 p. 147-169
27. Saima Sidiq & Puneet Pathak, Right to Education of Children with Disabilities: A Study, Volume XVI, 2023 Army Institute of Law Journal
26. Rahul SK & Puneet Pathak, Public Participation in EIA Process in India: An Analysis of Draft EIA Notification 2020, 2023 (1) NOUN Law Journal (NLJ) p. 72 - 94
25. Karuna Ramesh Patel, Priya & Puneet Pathak, "Confronting Social Deficit: A Case of Sex Workers in India", MDU Law Journal volume XXIX of 2022 p. 130-145 (peer- reviewed)
24. Puneet Pathak, Anwesha Ghosh, “Right-Based Approach to Data Protection: An Analysis of Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019”, Army Institute of Law Journal, Vol. XV, Issue 2022 – ISSN 0975-8208 (UGC-CARE)
23. Karuna Ramesh Patel & Puneet Pathak, "Decriminalization of Sex Work: An Analysis", MDU Law Journal volume XXVII of 2021 p. 40-45 (peer-reviewed)
22. Puneet Pathak, Anwesha Ghosh & Seema Sharma, Sexual Abuse of Street Children: A Study South Asian Law Review Journal, Vol. 7, 2021 – ISSN 2581-6535 (peer- reviewed)
21. Puneet Pathak, Street Children: International and National Protective Measures, Commonwealth Law Review-Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Vol. 6, 2020 pp. 480-48
20. Puneet Pathak, Working of CCI in Reference to Anti-Competitive Practices: An Analysis, Universitas, International Peer Reviewed Journal, Volume 12, 2017,(published in 2019) ISSN 2255-2942 (UGC Approved Journal No 47125)
19. V. J. Jithin, Puneet Pathak, Tribal Rights Looped in Governance of Protected Areas in India in, International Journal of Legal Research and Studies, UGC approved Peer- reviewed Refereed Quarterly Online Law Journal, Volume 2 - Issue 4, October - December 2017. Page 10 ISSN: 2456-608X (UGC Approved Journal No 48489) (Open access)
18. Puneet Pathak, Acceptability of Judicial Activism in India Perspective, International Journal of Law & Legal Jurisprudence Studies, Vol. 03, Issue. 03, 2016. ISSN: 2348-8212 (peer-reviewed Open access)
17. Puneet Pathak, Redressal Mechanism of Human Rights Violation: International Perspective, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, Vol. 02, Issue. 03, 2016. ISSN: 24552437 (peer-reviewed Open access)
16. Puneet Pathak, Social Justice under Indian Constitution, International Journal of Legal Development & Allied Issues, Vol. 02, Issue. 03, 2016. ISSN: 2454-1273 (peer-reviewed Open access)
15. Puneet Pathak, International Environmental Crime: A growing concern of International Environmental Governance, US-China Law Review (International peer-reviewed journal), Vol. 13 No. 05, May 2016. ISSN 1930-2061 (Open access)
14. Puneet Pathak, Vertika Shrivastava, Post Modern Critique of Human Rights, ARS- Journal of Applied Research and Social Science Vol. 03 Issue., 2016. ISSN: 2350-1472 (UGC Approved Journal No. 42720, peer-reviewed)
13. Puneet Pathak, Global Environmental Governance, Journal GSD Vol. 03 Issue., 2016. ISSN: 2350-1464 (UGC Approved Journal No. 63641, peer-reviewed)
12. Puneet Pathak, Assessing UNEP as Global Environmental Authority: Debate of upgrading UNEP to UNEO, Universitas, International Peer Reviewed Journal, Volume 10, 2015, ISSN 2255-2942 (UGC Approved Journal No 47125)
11. Human Rights Approach to Environmental Protection, 7 (01) OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2014, pp. 17-28, available online at :http://www.ssrn.com/link/ OIDA-Intl-Journal-Sustainable-Dev.html (listed in Social Science Research Network) ISSN: 1923- 6662 (Open access peer-reviewed)
10. Access to the Internet as a Human Right, p. 94-98 published in The Legal Analyst, A Bi-annual Refereed Law Journal, Vol. II, No.1, Jun-June.-2012, ISSN: 2231-5594. (UGC Approved Journal No. 47820)
09. International Measures and Environmental Protection, p. 01-08, published in Asian Journal of Human Development and Livelihood, A Peer Review Quarterly Research Journal, Vol. 01, Issue 01, Oct-Dec 2011, ISSN: 2250-3161. (UGC Approved Journal No 63255)
08. Human Rights Approach to Poverty Reduction Strategies, p. 136-143, published in Chotanagpur Law Journal, A Peer-Reviewed / Refereed International Journal, Vol.3, No. 3, 2010-2011, ISSN-0973-5858. (UGC Approved Journal No 41352)
07. Women’s Human Rights- A Discussion against Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Violence, p. 90-102, published in Dehradun Law Review, Peer Review Journal Vol. 1, Issue-1, Nov.2011, ISSN: 2231-1157. (UGC Approved Journal No 42063)
06. Population Dynamics and Environmental Degradation in India, p. 93-95, published in Indian Journal of Humanities, Refereed Research Journal, Vol.1, Issue 04, Oct-Dec 2011, ISSN: 2248-9541. (UGC Approved Journal No. 64513)
05. Human Rights: Historical Analysis, p. 95-98 published in Asian Journal of Social Science Review, Vol. 01, Issue 01, April-Sep. 2011, ISSN: 2249-4634. (peer-reviewed)
04. Human Rights of Woman: An International Approach, p. 99-102 published in Asian Journal of Social Science Review, Vol. 01, Issue 01, April-Sep. 2011, ISSN: 2249-4634. (peer-reviewed)
03. Poverty and Deprivation of Human Rights in India, p. 64-67, published in VIDHAN: A Research Journal, Vol.4, Dec. 2011, ISSN-2230-9896. (UGC Approved Journal No. 47145, peer-reviewed)
02. Conceptual Outline of Human Rights in Ancient Indian Literature, p. 19-23, published in Asian Journal of Human Development and Livelihood, A Peer Review Quarterly Research Journal, Vol. 02, Issue 01, Jan.-Mar. 2012, ISSN: 2250-3161. (UGC Approved Journal No. 63255)
01. Right to Potable Water as Human Rights: International Perspective, p. 76-79, published in The Legal Analyst, A Bi-annual Refereed Law Journal, Vol. I, No.2, July- Dec.-2011, ISSN: 2231- 5594. (UGC Approved Journal No. 47820)
Books Authored
- Refugee and International Humanitarian Law, Eastern Book Company, 2021 (Single Author) ISBN: 978-93- 90715138
- Human Rights of Women: New Challenges, ABS Books, New Delhi, 2021 (Edited Book) ISBN: 978-93- 91002-15-2
Children’s Rights: Challenges and Prospects, ABS Books, New Delhi, 2022 (Edited Book) ISBN: 978-93-91002-503
- Victimization of Women in Cyber Space: Issues and Challenges Saptrishi Publication, Chandigarh, 2023 (Edited Book- co-editor)
Chapters in Edited Books
19. Shanti Riang & Puneet Pathak, Women Empowerment through Participation in Local Self Governance: A Study in InnoSustain: Balancing the Interests of Society in the Light of SDGs, Prageet Printers, Ghaziabad, 2024 ISBN: 978-81-971248-2-2
18. Hafsa Khurshid & Puneet Pathak, Access to Internet as a Human Right: An Analysis in Cyber Crimes: Issues Policy Regulation and Developments, Satyam International, New Delhi ISBN:
17. Puneet Pathak & Dr. Rajinder Kumar Sen, Sahitiya me Manabadikar ki Udbhavna Parampara aur Anushilan p. 114-129 in Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethics in India, Publisher: Raj Publishing House, Jaipur 2022 ISBN: 978-93-91777-50-0
16. Puneet Pathak & Rahul SK, Drone Based Targeted Killing: A Violation of International Humanitarian Law p. 126-140 in Interdisciplinary Aspects of Law & Technology, Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd. New Delhi, 2022, ISBN: 978-93-56223-89-9
15. Shrita Chhotaray & Puneet Pathak, Educational Rights of Transgender Children: A Study, p. 199-228 in Children’s Rights: Challenges and Prospects, ABS Books, New Delhi, 2022, ISBN: 978-93-91002-50-3
14. Puneet Pathak & Anwesha Ghosh, Protecting Covid 19 Orphaned Children: A Study, p. 1-33 in Children’s Rights: Challenges and Prospects, ABS Books, New Delhi, 2022, ISBN: 978-93-91002-50-3
13. Puneet Pathak & Anwesha Ghosh, The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2020: An Analysis, in Human Reproduction Legal Conflicts and Concerns, Satyam Law International, 2021, ISBN: 978-93- 91345-51-8
12. Puneet Pathak, An Analysis on International Crimes Against Children During Armed Conflict, in Crime against Children: Preventive and Protective Laws, Thomson Reuters, 2021, ISBN: 978-93- 90673-95-7
11. Puneet Pathak, Dimensions of Judicial Process in Constitutional Adjudication in Judicial Process, Thomson Reuters, 2021, ISBN: 97893- 9067330-8
10. Puneet Pathak & Roli Singh, Challenges Faced by Women Legal Practitioners: A Study in Human Rights of Women: New Challenges, ABS Books, New Delhi, 2021 ISBN: 978-93- 91002-15-2
9. Puneet Pathak & Bharti, Women Empowerment Through Reservation in Local Self Government: A Case Study in Human Rights of Women: New Challenges, ABS Books, New Delhi, 021 ISBN: 978-93- 91002-15-2
8. Puneet Pathak, Problems and Prospects in Legal Education in India, in Development of Higher Education India, S. K. Book Agency, New Delhi 2017. ISBN: 978-93-83-15-878-2
7. Puneet Pathak, Gender Inequality in the Workplace: An overview of the Sexual Harassment Act, 2013 in Economic Development and Human Rights, Avon Publications, Delhi, 2017. ISBN: 978-93-8183-983-6
6. Dr. H. R. Arora, Dr. Puneet Pathak, Surrogacy: Reproductive Rights or Business, in Proceeding of International Conference, Unistar Books Pvt. Ltd. Chandigarh, 2016. ISBN: 978-93-5113-746-7
5. Puneet Pathak, Human Rights and Climate Change, p. 207-220 in Usha Tandon (Edited) Climate Change- Law, Policy and Governance, Eastern Book Company, 2016 ISBN: 978-93-5145-337-6
4. Puneet Pathak, International Legal Protection of Children in Armed Conflicts, p. 186-208 in Children’s Rights Laws, policies and Practice, Regal Publications New Delhi, 2013. ISBN: 978-81-8484-234-0
3. Ajai Singh & Puneet Pathak, Universal Human Rights: From Concept to Reality, p. 127-140 in Human Rights Contemporary Issues, University Book House (P) Ltd, 2013. ISBN: 978-81-8198-209-4
2. Puneet Pathak, Corruption and Human Rights in India, p. 229-252 in Human Rights, Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation, 2012. ISBN: 978-81-313-1565-1
1. Puneet Pathak, Honour Killing: Redeeming Honour through Violence against Women, p. in Women Rights: Violence, Human Rights and Empowerment, Global Publishing House (India), Visakhapatnam, 2012. ISBN: 978-93-81563-11-3
Ph. D. Guidance
- Guided one Ph. D. Student (Jithin VJ. Ph. D. awarded), Title: Governance of Forest Rights in Protected Areas in India: A Case Study of Parambikulam Tiger Reserve (Awarded in 2020)
- Five Ph.D. scholars registered
PG Dissertation Guidance
- A Human Rights Approach to Environmental Protection in India (Abhishek Kumar CUP/LL.M.-PhD/SLSG/CEL/2011-2012/04 )
- National Green Tribunal Act,2010: A Critical Analysis of the Working of the Tribunal from 2010-2013 (Cherry Sharma CUPB/LLM/SLSG/CEL/2013- 14/01)
- EIA in National Highway Projects in India: Policy, Implementation and Challenges (Nishant Kumar CUPB/LLM/SLSG/CEL/2013- 14/05)
- Role of Indian Judiciary in Promoting Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Industrial Pollution in India (Shaveta Goyal CUPB/LLM/SLSG/CEL/2013- 14/07)
- Legal and Policy Framework for Maintenance of Ponds as Water Resources in Punjab: A Case Study of Villages in Sanour Block, Patiala” Alankar Arora, CUPB/LLM/SLSG/CEL/2014-15/05
- Problems and Prospects of Street Children: A Socio-Legal Study of Bathinda City (Seema Sharma, 15llmlaw10)
- Women Empowerment through Reservation in Local Government: A Case Study of Gram Panchayats of Satnali Block in Mahendergarh District (Bharti, 15llmlaw12)
- An Analysis of the Monitoring Mechanisms under the Right to Education Act, 2009 with Special Reference to the Contribution of NCPCR (Imran Ilahi, 15llmlaw08)
- Right to Privacy Vis-À-Vis Data Protection in Special Reference to The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery Of Financial And Other Subsidies, Benefits And Services) Act, 2016 (Nitin Shukla, 16llmlaw03)
- An Analysis of the Working Of CCI in Reference to Abuse Of Dominant Position in Media and Entertainment Sector During 2009- 2017 (Pratibha Verma, 16llmlaw02)
- Legal Status of Refugee in India: A Study of Rohingyas (Vikrant Menanwal, 16llmlaw09))
- CSR In India: A Comparative Study of Selective Public And Private Companies Under Section 135 Of Companies Act During 2014-17 (Rambha kumari, 16llmlaw16)
- Intellectual Property Rights vis-a-vis Competition Law in India (Baljinder Singh, 17llmlaw08)
- Anti-Competitive Effect Vis-A-Vis Pricing Algorithms on Digital Market (Jaya Somvanshi, 17llmlaw10)
- Challenges Faced by Women Legal Practitioners: A Study (Roli Singh, 17llmlaw05)
- Legal and Ethical Issues of Surrogacy in India: A Critical Analysis of the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 (Deevanshi Garg, 18llmlaw18)
- Right to Self-Defense Vis-À-Vis Drone Based Targeted Killing in Counter-Terrorism (Rahul SK, 18llmlaw13)
- Protection of Sex Workers: A Socio-Legal Study” (Karuna Ramesh Patel, 18llmlaw09)
- Exploration of Institutional Care under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015: A Study (Basona Khatun, 18llmlaw10)
- Governing Rituals through an Essential Religious Practice Test: An Analysis (Sajida Batool, 18llmlaw04)
- Suppression of Trafficking in Women in SAARC Nations: Implementation of Article 6 of CEDAW, 1979 (Bisma Afzal,19llmlaw19)
- Right to Education in SAARC Nations: Implementation of Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of Child, 1989 (Rabya Javeed,19llmlaw05)
- Access to the Internet as a Human Right: An Analysis of Anuradha Bhasin and Ors. v. Union of India and Ors., AIR 2020 SC 1308 (Hafsa Khurshid,19llmlaw20)
- Public Participation in Decision-Making Process: An Analysis of Draft EIA Notification, 2020 (Israil Saikh,19llmlaw16)
- Digital Privacy: An Analysis of Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 (Vaishaly: 19llmlaw02)
- Right to Food and Public Distribution System in India: A Study (Md. Asraf Parwez, 19llmlaw17)
- Educational Rights of Children of Incarcerated Parents: A Study (Anshuman Panda, 20llmlaw11)
- Protection of Children through Foster Care: An Analysis (Naina Catherine Benny, 20llmlaw04)
- Right to Inclusive Education of Children with Disabilities: A Study (Saima Sidiq, 20llmlaw29)
- Educational Rights of Transgender: A Study (Shrita Chhotaray, 20llmlaw21)
- Realizing Right to Health through Village Health Sanitation Nutrition Committee: A Study (Ritesh Pratap Yadav, 21llmlaw34)
- Challenges Faced by Junior Advocates: A Study of Bathinda District Court (Dilip Kumar 21llmlaw22)
- Basic Principles of International Humanitarian Law in Ancient India: A Study of Valmiki Ramayana (Sudhanshu Chaturvedi 21llmlaw09)
Implementation of Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act,2016: An Analysis (Parvez Ahmad 22llmlaw18)
Right to Education in BRICS Nations: Implementation Of Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of Child, 1989 (Neha Mishra 22llmlaw02)
Role of Urban Local Self-Government in Ensuring Right to Health Through Cleanliness: A Study (Kumar Abhinav 22llmlaw17)
Women Empowerment Through Political Participation in Urban Local Self-Governance (Dibya Tiwari, 22llmlaw08)
Ensuring Right to Health and Nutrition Through Integrated Child Development Services Scheme: A Study (Km. Nandani Tiwari, 22llmlaw34)
Labour Rights of Platform Based Gig Workers In India: A Study (Siddharth Prabhakar, 22llmlaw40)
Ensuring Right to Pre-School Education Through Integrated Child Development Service Scheme: A Study (Veena Yadav, 22llmlaw21)
Paper Presented in Conference/Seminar :
56. Presented paper titled: Advancing Economic and Social Rights through Rural Local Self-Governance: A Study, in 61st All India Political Science Conference and International Seminar on “Viksit Bharat@2047” held at in Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner (Rajasthan) on 18th - 19th October 2024.
55. Presented paper titled: Impact of Environmental Crime on Indigenous People: An Analysis, in First International Conference on Criminology & Criminal Justice, held on October 3 & 4, 2024 organised by the Department of Criminology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Colombo, Sri Lanka
54. Presented paper titled Women Empowerment through Participation in Local Self Governance: A Study in the two-day UCOST Sponsored National Conference organized by Law College Dehradun, Faculty of Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand from 22- 23 September 2023
53. Presented a Paper, "Women Empowerment in Rural Local Self-Governance in India in Two Days National Seminar on Rights to Health: Problems and Future Prospects held on 19-20 February 2023 organized by VSSD College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
52. Presented a Paper, "Effect of Polygamy on Women’s Human Rights: A Study," at the International Conference on Human Rights: Past, Present and Future dated 10 & 11 December 2022, organized by the Department of Law, University of Allahabad, Allahabad.
51. Presented a Paper, "Mandatory Pre-litigation Mediation in Commercial Matters - A Comparative Analysis of India and Turkey" at the International Conference on ADR Mechanism & Procedures held on May 8, 2022 organised by School of Law, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Hyderabad.
50. Victimization of Women with Special Reference to Cyberstalking in Virtual International Conference on 'Women Rights in Developing Countries: Issues and Challenges' organized on May 15, 2022 organized by Simbiosis Law School, Nagpur.
49. Presented a Paper "Right to Education of Children with Disabilities: From Special to Inclusive" in the International Conference on Militancy & HR: Issues and Challenges held on 04 and 05 April 2022 organized by Mangalayatan University, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
48. Presented a Paper "Drone Based Targeted Killing: A Violation fo International Humanitarian Law" in International Conference on Interdisciplinary Aspects of Law and Technology held on 28 and 29 December 2021 organised by SOL, G D Goenka University, Gurgaon.
47. Presented “COVID-19 Orphaned Children in India: A Study” in National Seminar on Transition of Exclusive and Inclusive Practices of Child Protection and Promotion: A Multidisciplinary Approach organized by Government Law College, Kozhikode, Kerala (20 November 2021)
46. Presented a Paper "Climate Change and Right to Health: An Analysis" in National Conference on Climate Change and Disaster Management jointly organised by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi & Christ Delhi (4 - 6 October 2021)
45. Presented a Paper " Abuse of Street Children: An Explorative Study" through Virtual Mode 30 March 2021 in 21st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, Fairmont Makati, Philippines.
44. Presented a Paper " Physical Abuse of Street Children: A Study" through Virtual Mode 14 June 2021 in National Multidisciplinary Academic Research Conference.
43. Presented a Paper "Gender Equality in South Asia: Problems and Prospects" in National Seminar on Realizing Sustainable Development Goals through Gender Equality, organised by Govt, Law College, Churu Rajasthan. (8 March 2021)
42. Presented a Paper "Women & Indian Constitution: Progress and Challenges" in NCW funded National Seminar organised by Internal Complaint Committee, Guru Nanak College, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab. (26 February 2020).
41. Presented a Paper “Legal Rights and Remedies available to Women in NRI Marriages Disputes” in National Seminar on Impact of the Mental Health of Women aggrieved on account of various issues involved in NRI Marriages 8 & 9 August 2019 organized by Mata Sahib Kaur Girls college Talwandi Sabo.
40. Presented a Paper “Anti- Competitive Practices in Sports Sector: Role of CCI” in National Conference on Reach for Gold: Intellectual Property and Sports 19 April 2019 organized by Chanakya National Law University, Patna.
39. Presented a Paper entitled Sustainable Growth and Competition Policy: A Case of Abuse of Dominant Position in India in ICSSR sponsored National Conference on Sustainable Management Practices: Trends Issues and Challenges, organized by Dept. of Economic Studies CUPB, 01-02 November 2018.
38. Presented a Paper “Right to Privacy and the AADHAAR (Targeted delivery of Financial and other subsidies, benefits and services) Act, 2016: An Analysis” in National Seminar on Changing Dimension of the Right to Privacy in India organized by Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 25th March, 2018.
37. Presented a Paper “Corporate Social Responsibility in India: Critical Analysis of CSR Expenditure of Selective Public Companies” in National Seminar on Financial and Economic Regulations in India: Various Ramifications organized by Faculty of Law, MDU Rohtak on 18th February, 2018.
36. Presented a Paper “Critical Analysis of Right to Privacy as Fundamental Rights” in National Conference on Law and Social Transformation organized by University School of Law, Rayat-Bahra University on 21th November, 2017.
35. Presented a Paper “GST Impact on Centre-State Fiscal Relation under Indian Constitution” in National Conference on GST and other Financial Reforms Post Liberalization organized by Asia Pacific Institute of Management, Noida on 14th October, 2017.
34. Presented a Paper “Right to Health and Environmental Protection in India” in National Seminar on Human Rights and Duties Education organized by Dept. of law, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa on 27-28 September 2017.
33. Presented a Paper “Children’s Rights Violations during Armed Conflict” in National Seminar on Challenges to Human Security in 21st Century organized by Army Institute of law, Mohali on 16 September 2017.
32. Presented a Paper “Drug Addiction in Punjab: Socio-legal Perspective” in NISD, New Delhi Sponsored Regional Seminar on Socio-legal and other Challenges for the Prevention of Drug Abuse in India: Existing Approaches & Agenda of Reforms organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on August 24-25, 2017.
31. Presented a Paper “Farmers Suicides, Human Rights and Agrarian Crisis in India” in the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Agricultural Crises and Farmer’s Distress in Punjab on 10 March, 2017 organized by DAV College, Bathinda
30. Presented a Paper “Promotion of Human Rights and Duties Education” in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Human Rights and Duties Education organized by Department of Political Science, Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar on March 4-5, 2017.
29. Presented a Paper “Gender Justice and India’s Obligation under International Instruments” in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Women Sensitization for Promoting Solutions—A Strategy for inclusive Growth organized by SSD Girls’ College, Bathinda on March 4, 2017.
28. Presented a Paper “FGM: Need to Break the Silence” in National Seminar on Social Justice: Politico Legal Milieu on March 02, 2016 organized by Centre for Law, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
27. Presented a Paper “Gender Inequality in the Workplace” in ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development on February 21-22, March 2016 organized by Centre for Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
26. Presented a Paper “Redressal Mechanism of Human Rights Violation” in National Seminar on International Human Rights Law: Prospects and Challenges on 20 February, 2016 organized by RGNUL, Patiala.
25. Presented a Paper “Legal Education in India: Challenged and Opportunities “in ICSSR sponsored National Conference on Education for Sustainable Development on February 04-05, 2016 organized by Centre for Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
24. Presented a Paper “Constitutional Provisions: Indian Federalism” in National Seminar on Emerging Pattern of Indian Federal System” on January 14-15, 2016 organized by Dept. of Political Science, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Sonepat
23. Presented a Paper “Human Rights and Women Anti- Harassment Laws in India” in International Conference on Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity on December 11-12, 2015 organized by Women Studies Centre, Punjabi University Patiala.
22. Presented a Paper “Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism” in International Seminar on Human Rights, Civil Society and the Changing Facets of Terrorism on November 21, 2015 organized by Geeta Institute of Law, Panipat.
21. Presented a Paper “Human Rights and Climate Change: Issues & Challenges in Himalayan Region” in National Conference “Himalayan Studies Conference- 2015” on November 04-05, 2015 organized by Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies, Himachal Pradesh University Shimla.
20. Presented a Paper “Justice for Victim in International Perspective” in International Conference on Victim Compensation and Restorative Justice on November 23, 2015 organized by RGNUL, Patiala.
19. Presented a Paper “Religion and Law in Indian Society” in South Asian History Conference on October 16-18, 2015 organized by Punjabi University, Patiala.
18. Presented a Paper “Linking Corruption and Human Rights” in International Conference on “Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Human Rights in the Era of Globalization” on August 2-3, 2014 organised by Gujarat Law Society, Ahmedabad.
17. Presented a Paper “Environmental Movements in India: Issues and Concerns” in National Seminar on Water and Biodiversity: Issues and Challenges organised by DDM Sai Law College Hamirpur. (30 - 31 May, 2014)
16. Presented a Paper “Climate Change and Human Rights” in International Conference on Mitigation of Climate Change: Law, Policy and Governance" organised by Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi, Delhi. (25 - 27 April, 2014)
15. Presented a Research Paper entitled “Human Rights Approach to Climate Change Regime” in International Conference on Mitigating Climate Change with special reference to Developing Countries (28-30 March 2014) organized by Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University, Lucknow.
14. Presented a Research Paper entitled “International Environmental Crime: Problems and Prospects” in 37th All India Criminology Conference of Indian Society of Criminology (28 Feb.-02 March, 2014) organized by Rajeev Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala.
13. Presented a Research Paper entitled “Social Justice under Indian Constitution” at the National Workshop on Human Rights and Social Justice (07 Dec. 2013) organized by Dept. of Law, S. K. Saket P. G. College Faizabad.
12. Presented a Research Paper entitled “Human Right Approach to Environmental Protection” in International Conference on Sustainable Development (04-05 Dec. 2013) organized by RGNUL, Patiala in collaboration with OIDA, Toronto, Canada.
11. Presented a Research Paper entitled “The Human Right to Health” in National Seminar on "Human Rights, Equality and Health: Role Of states and the Citizens" (25th March, 2013) organized S.G.G.S. Khalsa College, Mahilpur (Hoshiarpur).
10. Presented a Research Paper entitled ‘Inclusive and Qualitative Expansion of Higher Education in India’ in National Seminar on Emerging Policy Regime in Indian Higher Education on 18-19 February 2013 organized by Department of Education, Punjabi University Regional Centre, Bathinda.
09. Presented a Paper on ‘India’s International Human Rights Obligations’, in National Seminar on Emergence of Modern Society: Rule of Law on 3-4 November 2012 organized by Department of Law, Punjabi University, Patiala.
08. Presented a Paper ‘Environmental and Health Impact of Genetically Modified Foods’ in National Seminar on Emerging Environmental Issues: Legislative & Judicial Approach on 22-23 October 2012 organized by Department of Law, Punjabi University Regional Centre, Bathinda.
07. Presented paper on ‘Freedom of Expression on the Internet’ in National Seminar on Emerging Dimension of Law in 21st Century held on 27 September 2012 organized by Department of Law, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
06. Presented a Paper on ‘Evolution of Human Rights in India’ in National Seminar on Human Rights, Indian Constitution and Judicial Approach, held at Swami Shukdevanand Law College, Shahjahanpur, U.P. on 17 & 18 Dec. 2011
05. Presented a Paper on the topic ‘Human Rights under Indian Constitution’ in National Seminar on Human Rights: Issues and Various Dimensions held at Karmakhetra Post Graduate College, Etawah on 25-26 November 2011.
04. Presented a Paper on the topic ‘Human Values & Human Rights’ in National Seminar on Human Values & Human Rights held at Agra College, Agra on 30 March 2011.
03. Presented a Paper on the topic ‘Human Rights of Women: International Perspective’ in National Seminar on Gender Equality: Human Rights perspective, held at SRSM Mahavidyalaya, Bareilly, 20-21 December 2010.
02. Presented a Paper on the topic ‘Terrorism and Human Rights in India’ in National Seminar on Terrorism in India: Challenges and Solution held at M.G.K.V.P. Varanasi, 25-26 February 2007.
01. Presented a Paper on topic ‘Violence against Women: Obstacle in Human Rights of Women’ in National Seminar on Women’s Rights as Human Rights: Obstacle and Opportunities sponsored by UGC held at Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Varanasi on 20-21 Feb. 2003.
- Organized One Day Basic Training Programme on Human Rights on 15 November 2018 in the Auditorium of the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Funded by NHRC, New Delhi. (Trained 115 Participants)
- Organized Two Days Awareness Programme about Women related Laws in SSD Girls College, Bathinda on 23th and 24th December 2016, Funded by National Commission for Women, New Delhi. (Trained Approx. 140 Participants, Target Group: Girls students & School teachers)
- Organized Two Days Awareness Programme about Women related Laws on 27 & 28 August 2016, Funded by National Commission for Women, New Delhi. (Trained Approx. 135 Participants, Target Group: Women Representatives of Panchayat, Bathinda)
- Member Organizing Committee in National Seminar on Social Justice: Politico Legal Milieu organised by Centre of Law, CUPB on March 2, 2016.
- Organized Two Days Awareness Programme about Women related Laws on 08 & 09 March 2016, Funded by National Commission for Women, New Delhi. (Trained Approx. 110 Participants, Target Group: Students & Faculty Members of Universities and colleges)
- Organized One Day Training Programme on Human Rights on 20 Dec. 2015 Funded by National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi. (Trained 109 Participants)
- Organised Human Rights Awareness Camp in Village Jiwan Singh Wala, Distract Bathinda on 03 September, 2015.
- Organised Educational Tour to Visit Kalibanga: An archaeological site of Indus Valley Civilization on Date: 01 October, 2015.
- Organised Human Rights Awareness Camp in City Campus of the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 10 December, 2015.
- Organised Poster Making Competition on theme: Switch Bharat Abhiyan in City Campus of the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 10 November, 2015.
- Organized a Discussion Session and Human Rights Quiz” in Seminar Hall, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2015. (Event Coordinator)
- Organized an Extension Activities under Human Rights Programme to visit Vridh Ashram, Bathinda (Old Age Home) and Children’s Home, Bathinda on 09 May, 2015)
- Organized Human Rights Awareness Camp in Village: Gurthadi, Bathinda 17 May, 2015)
- Organized a Discussion Session on the theme “Human Rights of Homemaker: Will a price tag help empowerment of Women” in Seminar Hall, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2014. (Event Coordinator)
- Organized a Poster Exhibition on the theme “Human Rights of Homemakers” in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on Human Rights Day 10 December 2014. (Event Coordinator)
- Organized a Discussion Session and Poster Exhibition on Human Rights Day (10 December 2013) in Seminar Hall, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. (Event Coordinator)
- Organized Educational Tour to visit Parliament House and President House on 06 March 2008.
- Organized several Legal Literacy Camps in M. P. Law College Chandausi, Moradabad
72. Delivered an expert talk on 75 Years of the Indian Constitution, organized by the Human Resource Development Cell, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, on 23 November 2024.
71. Delivered a lecture on "Introduction of Human Rights, History and Evolution of Human Rights" on August 31, 2024, in the Certificate Course on Human Rights and Justice, organized by the CASIHR, RGNUL, Patiala.
70. Lecture as a resource person on 'Human Rights, Gender Equality and Educational Policy & Curriculum' in 5-Day Online Faculty Development Program on Education for Sustainable Development: A Pathway Towards Viksit Bharat, 09 July 2024 organized by Amity Institute of Education Amity University Kolkata.
69. Lecture as Chief Guest in National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights: Issues, Challenges and Perspectives on 07 April 2024, organized by Dept. of Law. Tantia University, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan
68. Lecture as Keynote Speaker in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on E-commerce and Legal Literacy: Bridging the Gap for Indian Consumers, 15th March 2024, Amritsar Law College, Amritsar.
67. Guest Lecture on Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye, 14th March 2024, Baba Farid College of Engineering and Technology, Deon, Bathinda, Punjab
66. Rights of Women in India in National Seminar on 7th October 2023 Shri Sanatan Dharam Girls’College, Bathinda, Punjab
65. Keynote speaker in Semianr on Vanavil K. Ravi ka Sahitya: Vividh Aayam, 20-21 October 2023, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
64. Special Lecture on National Legal Services Day, 10th November 2023, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo
63. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “workshop on POSH & POCSO Act for the teaching staff of Kendriya Vidyalaya (KB- 4) Bathinda on 30 November 2022.
62. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Parliamentary Procedure” during Three days Training Programme on Women in Politics on 01 December 2021 organized by
MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
61. Invited talk on “Human Rights Movement: Challenges and Prospects” organised by Institute Innovation Cell, HNB Garhwal University Srinagar, Garhwal Uttarakhand (December 22, 2021);
60. Guest Lecture on “Human Rights Approach to Environmental Protection” organised by Amritsar Law College, Amritsar (05 June 2021);
59. Delivered guest lecture on Migrant Women Workers: Challenges to implementation/ Analysing Grassroot Impact of Law and Policy Measures in NCW funded National Seminar organised by
Dr Virendra Swarup Institute of Professional Studies, Kanpur, UP on 11 November 2020
58. Delivered a guest lecture on the topic “Right-based approach to Environmental Protection” in National Seminar on Environmental Protection: Constitutional, Legal and Regulatory
Measures” on 04 March 2020, organised by Tantia University, Sri Ganganagar.
57. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Introduction to Human Rights” during the One Day Training Programme funded by NHRC on 18 February 2020 organized by the
Department of Law, HNB Garhwal University Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand.
56. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic: “Women’s Rights relating to Marriage and Divorce” during NCW-funded Legal Awareness Programme on Women’s Rights on 15
January 2020 organized by Punjabi University Regional Centre, Bathinda
55. Delivered a guest lecture on the topic “Time Management” during Training Programme for Government Employees at DC Office, Bathinda on 27 November 2019 organized by MGSIPA,
Regional Centre, Bathinda.
54. Chaired a technical Session during NCW-funded National Conference on Mental Health of Women Aggrieved on Account of various Issues involved in NRI Marriages on 8 August 2019
organized by Mata Sahib Kaur Girls College Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda.
53. Delivered a Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Human Rights in India: Politico- Legal Perspective” on 03 June 2019 in Two Week National Interdisciplinary Workshop on
“Understanding Indian Politics and Economy in the 21st Century” organised by TCL, PMMMNMTT, CUPB sponsored by MHRD.
52. Delivered a Guest lecture as a Resource Person on the topic “Implementation of Nagoya Protocol and India” on 17th March 2019 Two Days Regional Workshop on Strengthening Human
Resources, Legal Frameworks and Institutional Capacities to Implement Nagoya Protocol on March 16-17, 2019 funded by UNEP at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
51. Delivered a Guest lecture as a Resource Person on the topic “Right to Information Act, 2005: Issues and Challenges” during the Training Programme on RTI for University Students at
Seminar Hall, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 01 March 2019 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
50. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic: “Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015” during Training Programme for Government Employees at
Conference Hall, Municipal Corporation Office, Moga, Punjab on 12 June 2019 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
49. Delivered two Guest lectures as a Resource Person on the topic: “Role of Judiciary to Eliminate Child Labour in India” during Training Programme for Government Employees at Conference
Hall, Municipal Corporation Office, Moga, Punjab on 12 June 2019 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
48. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Right to Information Act, 2005” during Training Programme for Government Employees at DC Office, Bathinda on 31 January 2019
organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
47. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Right to Information Act, 2005” during Training Programme on RTI for law Students at Bathinda Law College, Bathinda on 22
February 2019 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
46. Delivered guest lecture on the topic “Professional and Personal Development” during Training Programme for Government Employees at Dunes Club, Bathinda on 21st August 2019
organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
45. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic: “Role of Judiciary in Protection of Consumer” during Three days Training Programme for Government Employees at Conference
Hall, Municipal Corporation Office, Mansa, Punjab on 12 July 2019 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
44. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic: “Landmark Judgements on Consumer Protection” during Three days Training Programme for Government Employees at
Conference Hall, Municipal Corporation Office, Mansa, Punjab on 12 July 2019 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
43. Participated in Penal Discussion on “Relevancy of Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi in Modern Times” dated 23rd August 2018 organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda in Seminar
Hall, Academic Block, CUPB
42. Delivered a Guest lecture as a Resource Person on the topic “Rights of Women and Children” in the NHRC Training Programme on 30 October 2018. Department of Law, HNB Garhwal
University (A Central University), SRT Campus, Badshahithaul, Tehri, Uttarakhand.
41. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “An overview of Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 (Part-I)” in a 12-days Induction training programme at Corporation Meeting Hall Sri
Muktsar Sahib, on dated 24 August 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
40. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “An overview of Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 (Part-2)” in a 12-days Induction training programme at Corporation Meeting Hall Sri
Muktsar Sahib, on dated 24 August 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
39. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Right to Information Act, 2005 (Part-I)” during Training Programme for Government Employees at MGSIPA Meeting Hall, Bathinda
on 29 November 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
38. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Right to Information Act, 2005 (Part- II)” during Training Programme for Government Employees at MGSIPA Meeting Hall, Bathinda
on 29 November 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
37. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013” in Induction training programme at
SDM Office, Meeting Hall Fazilka, on dated 15 May 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
36. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Challenges in Implementation of the Sexual Harassment Law” in the Induction training programme at SDM Office, Meeting Hall
Fazilka, on dated 15 May 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
35. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “An overview of Motor Vehicle Act (Part- I)” in a 12-days Induction training programme at Corporation Meeting Hall, Moga, on
dated 05 July 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
34. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “An overview of Municipal Act (Part- II)” in a 12-days Induction training programme at Corporation Meeting Hall, Moga, on dated
05 July 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
33. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Right to Information Act, 2005 (Part-I)” during Training Programme for Government Employees at Corporation Meeting Hall,
Talwandi Sabo on 18 December 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
32. Delivered Guest lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Right to Information Act, 2005 (Part-II)” during Training Programme for Government Employees at Corporation Meeting Hall,
Talwandi Sabo on 18 December 2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda.
31. Chaired a Technical Session in the National Seminar on "GST: A Beacon of Hope for India- Issues & Challenges” on 9th April 2018
organized by P.G. Department of Commerce & Management, DAV College, Bathinda.
30. Delivered a Special lecture as Resource Person in 12 Days Induction Training Programme for Newly Appointed Government Employees
at Corporation Meeting Hall, Sri Muktsar Sahib on the topic “Urban Local Self Government in India” organized by Mahatma Gandhi State
Institute of Public Administration on 24 August 2018.
29. Delivered a Special lecture as Resource Person in 12 Days Induction Training Programme for Newly Appointed Government Employees
at Corporation Meeting Hall, Sri Muktsar Sahib on the topic “Urban Local Self Government in Punjab” organized by MGSIPA on 24
August 2018.
28. Conducting a training session on “Communication Skill” in Induction training Programme for School Teachers on dated 23rd August
2018 organized by MGSIPA, Regional Centre, Bathinda
27. Delivered a Special lecture as Resource Person in Punjabi University Regional Centre Bathinda on the topic “Right to Information Act,
2005” in a training programme organized by MGSIPA on 26 September 2017.
26. Delivered a Special lecture in Guru Nanak College for Girls, Sri Muktsar Sahib on 12 April 2017 on the topic "Women Related Laws and
Gender Equality", organized by Women Anti-Harassment Cell, Guru Nanak College, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab.
25. Delivered a Special lecture as a Resource Person in Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration on the topic “Bonded
Labour Issues & Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976” in a training programme on Human Rights funded by NHRC on 26
September 2016.
24. Delivered a Special lecture as a Resource Person in Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration on the topic “Child Labour
Issues & Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986” in a training programme on Human Rights funded by NHRC on 26
September 2016.
23. Delivered a Special lecture as Resource Person at International Conference on Human Rights in India: A Multi-Faceted Aspect on 27-
28 February 2016 organized by DAV College, Abohar.
22. Chaired the Technical Session in International Conference on Human Rights in India: A Multi-Faceted Aspect on 27- 28 February 2016
organized by DAV College, Abohar.
21. Extension Lecture delivered in Guru Nanak College for Girls, Sri Muktsar Sahib on 11 February 2016 on the topic "Women Anti-
Harassment Act & Human Rights and Duties", organized by Women Anti-Harassment Cell, Guru Nanak College, Sri Muktsar Sahib,
20. Delivered Keynote address in National Seminar on "Human Rights, Equality and Health: Role of states and the Citizens" (25th March
2013) organized by P.G Department of Political Science of S.G.G.S. Khalsa College, Mahilpur (Hoshiarpur).
19. Lecture delivered as Resource Person in Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on the topic “Convention on Biological Diversity and Cartagena
Protocol” on 31-01-2013.
18. Delivered Faculty Seminar on the topic “International Human Rights Law: From Conceptualization to Realization” conducted by the
Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 01 February 2013 in the Seminar Hall, CUPB.
17. Lecture delivered on the Higher Education System in India, UGC-NET Class, Competitive Examination Cell, CUPB.
16. Lecture delivered on Environmental Protection and Policy Resolution/ Environmental Issues (UGC-NET Class, Environmental Science
and Geography), Competitive Examination Cell, CUPB.
Delivered various Lectures in Certificate Course in Human Rights and Duties in CUPB during three batches of CCHRD:
15. Concept of HR: Historical Development (28.02.2015),
14. Nature & Classification of Human Rights (07.03.2015),
13. Human Rights: International Norms-II (14.03.2014),
12.Human Rights and Fundamental Rights (21.03.2015), Excellence in Life (21.03.2015),
11. Human Rights: International Enforcement Mechanism (28.03.2015),
10. Time Management of Life (11.04.2015),
9. Human Rights and Criminal Justice System in India (18.04.2015),
8. National Human Rights Commission (23.05.2015),
7. Introduction of Human Rights (29.08.2015),
6. Nature & Classification of HR (19.09.2015),
5. Human Rights: International Norms-I (26.09.2015),
4. Excellence in Life (17.10.2015),
3. Human Rights: Enforcement Mechanism (24.10.2015),
2. HR of Women: Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Protection & Redressal) Act, 2013 (31.10.2015); HR of Women: Protection of Women from the Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (31.10.2015),
1. Human Rights & Social Movement in India (07.11.2015).
- Contributed towards the building of the Central University of Punjab as working since 2012 (initial years of its establishment) by making various policies of the University, helping in the establishment of new departments, starting certificate course to aware students and people local about their rights, organised awareness camps in rural areas in order to provide free legal aid, started the celebration of important days in the university, organised various training programmes with the help of University Grant Commission, National Commission for Women and National Human Rights Commission.
- Prepared proposal to be submitted to NCTE for the recognition of M. Ed. Course in Department of Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. Member of the committee during an inspection by the NCTE team.
- As a coordinator of the Competitive Examination Cell, CUPB from 2012 to 2021 help students qualify for various competitive examinations by running classes on Friday and Saturday.
- Prepared Criteria VI of NAAC Report and the Report of the Department of Law for NAAC SSR (2016).
- Officiating in charge of the Centre for Environmental Law and Department of Law, the Central University of Punjab on various occasions since 2013.
- Member, Committee to Prepare Policy Guidelines for Organizing Workshop/Seminar/Conference/Cultural Programme/Commemorative Day etc., CUPB, Member of various committees for checking of documents of candidates for interviews of the teaching and Non- teaching position in the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Member of Assist Verification Committee, CUPB, Performed various duties during foundation week, annual Sports and athletic Meet and other programmes in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda since 2012.
Orientation/Refresher/Capacity BuildingCourse attended
- Participated in Two Week Online Workshop on ‘Effective Teaching in Online Environment’ organized by Ed Expert, Mumbai (01 June 2020 to 11 June 2020)
- Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on " Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCs” from APRIL 20 to May 06, 2020, organized by Ramanujam College, University of Delhi.
- ICSSR Sponsored Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty (10th – 21st May 2019) organized by Department of Economic Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- DoPT approved Direct Trainer Skills (DTS) organized by Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration, Chandigarh from 23 July 2018 to 27 July 2018
- ICSSR Sponsored Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty (18th – 31st May 2018) organized by Department of Economic Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- UGC – Sponsored Refresher Course attended from 13.06.2016 to 02.07.2016 organized by UGC- Human Resource Development Centre, H. P. University, Shimla.
- UGC – Sponsored Orientation Programme attended from 12.01.2015 to 07.02.2015 organized by UGC- Academic Staff College. University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
- UGC – Sponsored Refresher Course attended from 05.12.2011 to 25.12.2011 organized by UGC- Academic Staff College. University of Allahabad, Allahabad.
Training Programme Attended
- Online Webinar on ZOTERO organized by AKSS Social and Welfare Foundation, Bhagalpur (07 June 2020)
- Online Webinar on How to write Literature Review Article organised by AKSS Social and Welfare Foundation, Bhagalpur (24 May 2020)
- Participated in a One-day training programme on Human Rights, organized by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala on November 22, 2014.
- Participated in One Week Training Programme on International Yoga Week from 15th June 2015 to 21st June 2015 organised by Central Unversity of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Participated in the Workshop on Capacity Building of Higher Education Teachers on e-Content Development Using Moodle from 15th to 16th September 2015 organized by Commonwealth Education Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), Commonwealth of Learning (COL) New Delhi in collaboration with CUPB.
Seminar/Workshop/Symposia Attended
- Participated in Online National Level Quiz Competition held during Anti-Plastic Week, organized by IQAC & Dept. of B.Com., Thakur College of Science and Commerce, University of Mumbai (03 June 2020)
- Participated Online Quiz on Research Methodology organized by the Dept. of Library and Information Science, Mizoram University. (01 June 2020)
- Participated in Online Quiz Competition on Awareness on COVID 19 organized by MK Govt. College, Nandgram, Ghaziabad. (01 June 2020Participated in National Webinar on Film Censorship organized by Faculty of Law, Maharaja Sayajiro University Baroda (19 June 2020)
- Participated in the Seminar on Recent Trends in Food Processing organized by the Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology with CUPB on 09 December 2016.
- Participated in the Seminar on the Evolving Importance of Intellectual Property Rights organized by Intellectual Property Rights Cell, CUPB on 30 January 2016.
- Attended National Conference on Humanitarian Law organized by All India Law Teachers Congress and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), New Delhi held on 25-26 July. 2015.
- Attended Amritsar Dialogue on Green Courts and Tribunals: Challenges and Opportunities as a nominee of the Vice-Chancellor, CUPB held at GNDU Campus, Amritsar 23-24 Nov. 2013
- Participated in Voluntary Blood Donation Movement at CUPB organized by State Blood Transfusion Council, Punjab on 22 Feb. 2013.
- Participated in the One-Day Workshop on ‘E-Resource Awareness’ organised by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 19th May 2012.
- Visited the Bio-Diversity Train at the Railway Station at Bathinda (Punjab) on 30th November 2012
- Participated in Fast Track Programme on Stock Investment conducted by ICICI direct Institute, Dehradun on 31 July 2011.
- Participated in the Conclave on Domestic Violence Act held on 24 April 2011 at Law College Dehradun, Dehradun.
- Participated in National Conference on Biodiversity vis-à-vis Environmental Degradation in Hilly Terrains organized by D.B.S. College Dehradun on 15-16 May 2011.
- Participated as a delegate in the International Conference on The Emerging Trends in International Criminal Jurisprudence organized by the Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi on 10-11 December 2005.
- Participated in Poetry Recitation Competition during Hindi Pakhwada (14-28 September 2012) organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Participated in Translation Competition during Hindi Pakhwada (15-29 September 2014) organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Participated in blood donation camp organized by State Blood Transfusion Council, Punjab in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on February 22, 2013.
Nyay Nityam Law Fest’ 24, the three-day celebration of legal knowledge, was organized by the Department of Law, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, in collaboration with the Pro Bono Club, CUPB under the ages of the Department of Justice govt of India from 03rd to 05th May 2024. It was an engaging and enlightening event that brought together schools and college students, legal professionals, and enthusiasts. With the theme of “Let The Justice Prevail”, the fest aimed at fostering dialogue, sharing knowledge and promoting networking within academic fraternity. A total of 270 participants from different parts of the country participated in a three-day event across seven competitions.
Coordinated Repeat Performance & Prize Distribution Function of the 16th National Youth Parliament Competition, 2019-20 for Universities/Colleges at GMC Balayogi Auditorium, Parliament House Complex, New Delhi.
CUPB Team is the winner of the 16th National Youth Parliament Competition, 2019-20, and the 15th National Youth Parliament Competition, 2018-19, under the leadership of Prof. Tarun Arora, Former HoD of Law Dept. CUPB.
Organized various training programmes and awareness camps with the help of UGC, National Commission for Women and National Human Rights Commission.