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Contact Info
Dr. Prithvi Raj
Room 207 Transit Hostel Faculty Office
Dr. Prithvi Raj

PhD (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

Teaching Experience
7 years 
Research Experience
Administrative Experience
Any Other Experience


Research Area

Cultural Theory, Natyashastra 

Research Interests

Cultural Theory/ Visual Culture/ Natyashastra/ Films 

Book Chapters


Research Guidance

13 MA Dissertations 

Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended
University Level

Paper titled Cultural Theory and Baiga Dance-Songs& presented at Motilal Nehru College (Eve.), University of Delhi at a UGC sponsored conference on Tribal Folk Dances of India:Contextualising Art & Culture from 24-25 August, 2017.


Paper entitled “Issues of Culture Mediated through Language: Analysing Shaileja Patel’s Dreaming in Gujarati (presented in the International Conference on “Reconncting Gujarati Diaspora with its Homeland: Contribution to its Development with a Focus on Building a Knowledge Society”, Patan, Gujarat, on 19.01.2009)

Paper entitled "Beauty /Utility: a Baiga Interpretation" (Presented in international conference organised at Mansfield College, University of Oxford, UK from 19-21 September 2011)

Paper titled 'Food for Sentiments: Culinary and Indian Aesthetic' presented at the University of Wroclaw, Poland in a three day conference on Perspectives on Food Aesthetics held from June 17-19, 2016. 

Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
University Level
National Level
International Level


Invited Talks/ Resource Person
Invited Lectures:
Delivered invited lecture on ‘Orality in the Age of Technology’ in national conference organised by the Department of English MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan from 26-27.03. 2021

Participated as an expert in ‘Ghumantu Samuday: Vachik Parampara’ organised by Janjatiya Lok Kala Avam Boli Vikas Samsthan, Madhya Pradesh Sanskriti Parishad from october, 19-21, 2021 in Bhopal.

Delivered expert lecture on ‘Translation as a Dialectic Process’ in seminar organised by Guru Kashi Department of Languages, Talwandi Sabo on 31.03.2022

Delivered a lecture titled “Cultural Theory and Indigenous Reality: A Case of Baiga Dance Songs" as a resource person during the refresher course organised by The UGC Human Resource Development Centre, University of Mumbai from October 26, 2021.
Delivered an invited lecture on ‘Dialectic Nature of Rasa Theory’ at DAV College, Abohar, in an Indian Council of Philosophical Research sponsored seminar on Indian Philosophy on 20.06.2022.
Patent Filed/ Published
e-Content Development
Contributed 2 modules to ARPIT MoE, GOI
Other Significant Achievements

worked for Encyclopedia of Hinduism (IHRF)

worked for Encyclopedia of Indian Poetics (Sahitya Akademi)
