Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
M.Phil, Ph.D. (University of Hyderabad)
Teaching Experience
06 years
Administrative Experience
Head (off.), Department of Sociology since 2019 till January 2022.
Sociology of Religion, Political Sociology, Minority Studies.
My area of research lies in understanding the diversity within Muslim communities in South Asia by contextualizing their lives and communities in the multiple terrains of everyday life. Keeping the post-colonial South Asian context in the background, I am interested in exploring the interface between the construction of piety, religious reformation, social and sectarian divisions and the socio-political forces at play that constantly reshapes the idea of being a ‘Muslim’. I seek to comprehend how Muslim subjectivities are shaped by intersecting multiple identities like of regional, religious, sectarian and national frames, and how this diverse idea of being a Muslim interacts with the global reformist currents towards a quest for global ‘Islamic’ community. Towards this end I seek to supplement ethnography with social biographies, personal historical accounts, archival materials, official history and creative use of literature and artistic expressions to understand the complexities to being a ‘Muslim’.
Apart from this, I am also interested in understanding the diverse trajectories of social theories and methodologies in varied contexts of geographies, domains of power, ideologies, and inter-sectionalities of everyday life. My interest in this area goes along with the recent trends in doing sociology that problematises the given and taken for granted concepts, theories, perspectives and ways of practicing social sciences by contextualizing and historicizing them in social and intellectual traditions. 2 Some of the courses offered by me at Central University of Punjab are: Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Muslim Communities, Research Methodology, Research Methods and Rural & Agrarian Society.
Co-ordinator, Teaching Learning Centre – Sociology (TLC-Sociology) under Pandit Madan Malaviya National Mission on Teacher’s and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) at Central University of Punjab sponsored by Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Project amount: Approx. 2.9 crore.
Project status: ongoing since 2018.
Consultancy: Consultant to Vedanta Group’s Talwandi Sabo Power Plant, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab for social audit and CSR projects for the year 2018, 2019 & 2020.
Life Member, Indian Sociological Society.
1. Member, Editorial board, Springer Nature Social Sciences (ISSN: 2662-9283).
2. Gold Medal in M.A. Sociology.
3. UGC-Junior Research Fellowship during PhD.
- “Reforming the ‘Muslims’: Piety, State and Islamic Reform Movement in Bengal”, in Society and Culture in South Asia. Sage Pub. First Published: online edition - June 6th 2017; print edition: Society and Culture in South Asia, vol. 3, 2: pp. 157-174, 2017. (invited paper)
- Review Article: Review of A.M. Shah and Lancy Lobo (Eds.), Essays on Suicide and Self-Immolation. Delhi: Primus Books, 2018, in Sociological Bulletin, Vol. 68(3), 385-387, 2019.
- Review Article: Review of Hilal Ahmed, Siyasi Muslims: A Story of Political Islams in India. Penguin Viking, 2019 in Sociological Bulletin, Vol. 70 (1), 135-137, 2021.
Book Chapters
- ‘Muslim Subjectivities, Embedded Identities: Construction of Secularity in Everyday Life, in Religion and Secularities: Reconfiguring Islam in Contemporary India, Sudha Sitharaman and Anindita Chakrabarti (Eds.), Orient Blackswan Pub. Ltd. 2000. (book chapter)
National / International
- Presented a paper titled, ‘The Contestation Within: Reflections on Dalit-Muslim political alliance’ at national conference on Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s perspective on State, Society and Education: Revisiting his Vision and Mission’ held at University of Hyderabad, 22nd23rd February 2017.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Reframing the ‘religious’: Methodological and Conceptual Challenges’ at 42nd All India Sociological Conference organized by the Department of Sociology, Tezpur Central University, Tezpur, 27-30, December 2016.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Post-Islamism and the politics of everyday’ at XXXIX All India Sociological Conference at Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri, Mysore, 27th-29th December 2013.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Control and Belonging: Life of a Sufi Shrine in Bengal’’ at XXXVIII All India Sociological Conference organized by the Department of Sociology, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur on 27th-29th, December 2012.
National Level
- One Week National Workshop on “Epistemic Foundations of Social Sciences” by Sociology discipline under Teaching Learning Centre at Central University of Punjab, 10-15 September 2018.
- One Week National Workshop on “Explorations in Domains of Indian Sociology” under Teaching Learning Centre at Central University of Punjab, 4-8 February 2019.
- One Week National Workshop on “Pedagogical Challenges in Teaching Social Sciences” under Teaching Learning Centre at Central University of Punjab, 2-6 December 2019.
- One Week National Workshop on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods” under Teaching Learning Centre, PMMMNMTT at Central University of Punjab, 22-26 March 2021.
Member, Editorial board, Springer Nature Social Sciences (ISSN: 2662-9283).
2. Paper presented on invitation at International Conference on Practices and Performance of Sufi Shrines, organized by American Institute of Indian Studies (Council for American Overseas Research Centres), August 1st-4th, 2014. Title: Beyond discourses and identities: Ambivalence, Contestation and Accommodation in a Sufi shrine.
3. Paper presented on invitation at national seminar on the theme of Multiple Secularities at IIT, Kanpur, October 14th-15th, 2014. Title: Being Muslim, Being Secular: Everyday encounters and construction of identities
4. Paper presented on invitation as UGC resource person at UGC sponsored national seminar on ‘The Paradigm of Inequality in India’, at Bebe Nanaki Guru Nanak Dev University College, Kapurthala, Punjab, January 15th-16th, 2016.
Social Documentaries produced/associated with
- Associated with a social documentary – ‘Jamuna....still flows by’ as Executive Producer.
(The documentary presents the living conditions and everyday struggle of old aged prostitutes in one of the oldest red light area of Kolkata).
- Associated with a documentary film – ‘Mrinal Sen – an era in cinema’ as additional camera man. Produced by: Public Service Broadcasting Trust, Government of India and Public Diplomacy Division, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. (This documentary is a biopic of famous Indian director/producer, Mrinal Sen through his films.