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Mentoring Cell

Mentoring is a collaborative partnership between a Mentor and a Mentee. The one, who possesses greater skills, knowledge and experience is the mentor and who is looking to increase his or her skills, knowledge and experience is a Protégé or mentee. Mentoring is a process of engagement that is most successful when done collaboratively and is a reflective process that requires preparation and dedication.

Members of the Cell

  • Prof. R.K. Wusirika, Professor – Chairman
  • Prof. Sanjeev Thakur, Professor
  • Prof. Rajesh Kumar, Professor
  • Dr. Vinod Arya, Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Pushpinder Singh, Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Dhanraj Sharma, Assistant Professor

Objectives of the Cell

  • To provide immediate guidance by mentors to solve problems
  • To support Mentees under organized and guided supervision
  • To provide holistic experience to develop an appropriate teaching behavior
  • To get benefit from mentor’s experience and advice

The idea behind mentoring model is to focus on developing affective domain of providing education along with higher skills of cognitive domain. The mentor who possesses greater skills, knowledge and experience provides the guidance, direction, remedial measures and plays the dominant role in evaluating quality standards of teachers. The protégé/teacher trainee/mentee gets in depth organization, management, assessment and teaching- learning experiences. This will enable him to manage behavior, community and classroom situations efficiently.

Mentoring relationship can be formal or informal. Formal mentor relationships are usually organized in the institution, Informal mentor relationships usually occur spontaneously and are largely psychosocial and help to enhance the mentee’s self-esteem and confidence by providing emotional support and exploring interests. Mentoring can be a powerful growth experience for both the mentor and the mentee.

The following steps are to be followed for mentoring a mentee:

  1. Building rapport with the mentee
  2. Get acquainted
  3. Set direction on the basis of academic, personal and social needs of the mentee
  4. Create a list of learning activities
  5. Plan and manage the resources required
  6. Prepare a Timeline
  7. Write mentoring action plan into paper to help mentee to translate his/her goals into executable and attainable steps and plan to track his/her successes.

The important points to be kept in mind are

  1. To assure mentees the confidentiality of the information provided by them
  2. To acknowledge the difficulty without casting blame on them
  3. To express appreciation

To start with the process of mentoring, after the assigning of the mentees, plan  formal meetings with the mentees once a fortnight during teaching hours at least for one semester. Thereafter informal meetings may be planned as per the need of the mentee and record is to be maintained for every type of support, guidance, counselling, encouragement or facilitation.
CUPB has a unique system of students mentoring.  On the day of orientation, the students are divided in groups of 5-8 and allotted a faculty member as a mentor. In a rather unconventional procedure, an attempt is made to group students of a region together and allot a mentor of the same region.  It is believed that this creates a comfort zone for the students in their mentor group and yet there will be plenty of opportunities for them to mix with students from other regions during various activities at CUPB. Students are provided with one opportunity to change the mentor group, if they like, and thereafter the group remains with the same mentor until graduation.  Contact details of the mentors are provided to the parents and thus mentor is a single point source for the parents to seek all academic, general or personal information about the student’s performance at the CUPB. Parents can also reach the mentor for any emergency. Each year more and more students join the mentor group and the seniors treat freshers as their siblings.


List of Mentors

  1. Department wise