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Contact Info
Dr. Lakhvir Lezia
Dr. Lakhvir Lezia

 Ph.D (2018), M.Phil (Punjabi), M.A. (Punjabi),  U.G.C. JRF & NET,  M.B.A. (Major IT & Minor HRD)

Teaching Experience    Working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Punjabi 
Research Area

Medival Punjabi  Poetry, Religious Study, Novel and Crticism.

Research Interests

Medieval Literature and Criticism

Research Grants/Projects

RSM : Central University of Punjab Bathinda





  • Sufimat: Sindhant, Sadhana Te Sadhak , (PP.-1-X11, 1-148) International  Unistar  Books, Chandigarh , 2015. ISBN No. 978-93-5204-378-1
  • Baldev Singh Di Noval  Samvedna, (edited) (PP. 1-170) Sapatrishi  Publications, Chandigarh , 2016. ISBN  No.9 789383-338726
  • Sultan Bahu:   Kaav-Suhaj Te Kalam, (PP.-1-IX, 1-165), 

International  Unistar  Books, Chandigarh , 2017. ISBN No. 978-93-5204-698-0

  • Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay: Vyakatitav te Vichar Darshan (PP.1- 112)  Sapatrishi  Publications, Chandigarh, 2017. ISBN 978-93-86632-   48-7
  • Samrat Chander Gupat (Novel), Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay, (pp. 64 with introduction) Sapatrishi  Publications, Chandigarh, 2017.ISBN 9-789386-632081.
  • Jagad Guru Sri Shankar Aacharya (Novel) , Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay, (pp. 104 with introduction) Sapatrishi  Publications, Chandigarh, 2017. ISBN978-93-86632-29-6
  •  Sumangalam, Dr. BajrangLal Gupata, (PP.1-144 with introduction) Sapatrishi  Publications, Chandigarh, 2017.ISBN. 9-789386-632098.



  • Rashtervadi Chintak: Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay:(Edit), (PP,1-9, 11-32, 1-152), International  Unistar  Books, Chandigarh, 2018. ISBN: 978-93-8339199-8
  • Rahasvadi Sufi Sant: Rabia Basra Jivan Te Rachna, (PP., 1-111) International  Unistar  Books, Chandigarh , 2018. ISBN No: 978-93-82839-02-6
  • Bharti Arth-Chintan, Dr. BajrangLal Gupata (pp.1-60 with introduction) Sapatrishi  Publications, Chandigarh, 2018.ISBN.9-789387-745261.
  •  Pariyanvaran Prami Bharti Drishti, Dr. BajrangLal Gupata (pp. 1-34 with introduction) Sapatrishi  Publications, Chandigarh, 2018.ISBN.9-789387-745254
  •  Ankhand Bharat , Dr. Mahesh Chandra Sharama, (pp-1-152 With Introduction, ) International  Unistar  Books, Chandigarh, 2018. ISBN:978-93-83392-97-1
  • Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji: jivan te vichar, (Edit) (pp-1-131), Bharti Publication, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi, 2019. ISBN 978-81-942473-6-4
  • Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji: jivan te darshan,  (co-Edit), (PP-1-224) International  Unistar  Books, Chandigarh , 2020. ISBN No: 978-89-159585
  • Shri Guru Nanak  Dev ji ki Bani Me adhiyatm Samajik Sarthakta (PP-1-254) (Edited) M.H.R.D Published under Ministry of Culture.2021. ISBN 9-78391-045173
  • Manavta ke Rakshak; shri Guru Nanak Dev ji (Edited book) ,(PP 1-261)  M.H.R.D (Hindi ) Published under Ministry of Culture. 2021. ISBN  9-7891-04501


  • Bharat Ki Sant Parampra Aur Samajik Samrasta By Dr. Krishna Gopal . with introduction) (PP. 1-262) Published under Ministry of Culture.  ISBN 978 9391 045258 (Translated) 2021
  • Baba Sahib Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar jivan Te Chintan  (Panchjanya Magzine Translated) Bhart Parkashan Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi,  Feb-2021.



 Guest Editor: Haryana Punjabi Sahit Academy, Panchkula

  • Shabad Boond  Literary Monthly Magazine In Punjabi (Special issue on Life, Ideology and Contribution Of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay)  of Haryana Punjabi Sahit Academy, Panchkula, ISSN NO. 2456-544X  RNI HARPUN/2001-5797 Ank 153, Feb 2018.



Research Guidance

5 students 

Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended


Published  International  Research  Paper:-


  • Hazrat  Rabia  Basra: Jeevan  Te  Sufi  Parvachan , Syon  Journal  of  Educational  Research , (PP. 73-82)  ISSN  2395-6569, Vol.1,No.1. July  2015 (Reviewed/Refereed)
  • Sufimat Sindhant  Te SadhnaEdu- Research , (PP.96-102) ISSN-2348- 6015, Vol.7, No-7, Sept  2015 (Reviewed/Refereed)
  • Suhaj Ate Suhaj Shastar:  Sankalpi Smaj , Edu-Research (PP.57-61),   ISSN-2348-6015,  Vol-9 , No-9 , March, 2016.
  • Manvata Da Masihi  Pengamber:  Hazrat  Muhammad  Sahib,  Edu-  Research (PP.55-61) ,  ISSN -2348-6015 , Vol.10, No-10, June 2016.
  • Mahan Sufi  Chintak Te  Sadhk : Jalal-Ud-Din-Rumi : , Research  Journal: Samvad  Punjabi  Refereed  Research Journal,  (PP.96-102) ISSN :2395-1273 , Jan  To  June  2017.
  • Sufimat di Darshnikta, International Journal of Applied  Research (IJAR 2021:7 (10): 435-441, ISSN Print:2394-7500,  ISSN Online:2394-5869,  Impact Factor: 8.4 Aug 2021. (Reviewed/Refereed)
  • Dr. Deweshwer di Meta Alochna Drishti, International Journal of Applied  Research (IJAR 2021:7 (10): 379-382, ISSN Print:2394-7500,  ISSN Online:2394-5869,  Impact Factor: 8.4   Oct 2021. . (Reviewed/Refereed)
  • Samajik Vivastha vichli karoopta da galpi prvachan-Gandhle Pani, International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies, IJAAS 2021;3(4):160-165, E-ISSN:2706-8927, Print -ISSN:2706-8919, Nov 2021. (Reviewed/Refereed)

Published  National  Research  Paper:-



  1. Islami  Dharm  Shastar  Te  Sufivad , Nazariya , ISBN-978-93-81616-19 , (PP. 103-111), Ank  50, April  To  June  2016.
  2. Pittari  Satta  Di  Zabri  Virudh  Nabri  Di  Gazalkara: Sukhvinder  Amrit , Nazariya , ISBN-978-93-81616-19 , (PP.110-115) , Ank  52,  Oct  To  Dec  2016.
  3. Karam Te Gyan Da Mujasma: Dr.S.K.Deweshwer, Nazariya , ISBN-978-93-81616-19, Jan To March 2018
  4. Baba  Farid  De  Kaav  Prvachan  Di  Sarthakta , Ank-80 ,  Khoj  Patarka , I.S.B.N. 978-81-302-0499-4 Punjabi  University,  Patiala , 2020.
  5. Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji di Bani da Smajik MahatavPunjabi Journal, Punjabi Duniya, Bhasha Vibhag Punjab, Patiala. 2021
  6. Guru Tegh Bahadar ji di Bani vich Brham da Sankalp, Punjabi Punjabi Journal, Punjabi Duniya, Bhasha Vibhag Punjab, Patiala.2021



Book Chapter:

  • Viksat  Punjivadi  Vivstha  Di  Drindgi  Da  Birtant- Ghati Putligran  Di  ,(PP.123-132) , (Edited Book)  Samkali  Punjabi  Sahit :  Sirjana  Te  Sarokar , ISBN-9 -789383-338917 , Sapatrishi  Publication , Chandigarh, 2016.
  • Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay  Ki Sirjnatmak Pratibha, ( Edited book), Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay-Ekatam Manav Darshan- bhibhidh aayam, I.S.B.N. 978-81-7975-940-0, Anamika Publishers & Distributor Pvt Ltd,  4697/3 , 21-A, Ansari Rd, Dariya Ganj, New Delhi, Delhi 110002


  • Shri Guru Nanak Bani Vich  Vishvi Chetna, (Edited Book),  Bharti  Gyan Dhara Ate Guru Nanak Bani, Publisher IGNCA, Ministry of  Culture, Govt. of India, 2021


participate In online Workshop and Webinars




  • Organized  A National Webinar on Hind di chadar sahib shri Guru Teg Bahadr ji by Central University of Punjab, (Bathinda) held on 9 nov 2020. (convener)
  • Virtual International Akhand Conference of Central University of Punjab, (Bathinda) In Collaboration with Global Educational Research Association on 07 & 08 January, 2021. (Cultural committee)
  • Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) National    Workshop on Curriculum Design and Development scheme in the School of Education, from 3rd February to 13th February 2021.  workshop is equivalent to the UGC refresher Course.
  • Online Training Programme on Enhancing Capacity in Preventing Sexual Harassment at Workplace to be held during March 08-10, 2021  participating in this training programme  by V.V.Giri National Labouar Institute Sector -24 Noida,India , March 2021.
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
  • Organized  A National Webinar on Hind di chadar sahib shri Guru Teg Bahadr ji by Central University of Punjab, (Bathinda) held on 9 nov 2020. (convener)


Invited Talks/ Resource Person
Lectures delivered :
 One Lecture Delivered Online Lecture Series Under the Aegis of Ministry of Culture, Govt. Of India IGNCA is organizing the Commemoration of 550 Birth Anniversary of shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Celebrations Life and Teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji Held on 31 july 2020. (webinar)
 One Lecture Delivered on The Royal Group of Collegs,Borawal Manda, Collaboration with Indra Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi, (Ministery of Culture, Govt. of India) on 06 March 2020.
 One Lectures on Sant Prmpra and Sri Guru Nanak Bani Organizing by Dashmesh Girls College, Badal, Shri Muktsar Sahib ,Collaboration with Indra Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi, (Ministery of Culture, Govt. of India) on 29 Feb 2020.
 One Lecture Delivered on sri Guru Nanak Dev ji:Life and Teachings Organizing by Post Graduate Govt. college for Girls, Sec. 11. Chandigarh ,Collaboration with Indra Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi, (Ministery of Culture, Govt. of India) on 24 Feb 2020.
Curricular Development
Member, Board of Studies, Department of Punjabi (2020- )Member of ICC Member, Internal Complaint Committee Central University of Punjab for three years i.e. 11.12.2020 to 11.12.2023 Member of SC/ST Cell Central University of Punajb Bathinda.