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The Central Herbarium of the Central University of Punjab is Index herbariorum enlisted herbarium located at Ghudda Village, Bathinda, Punjab, India. The herbarium has a large collection of plant vouchers from throughout the Indian Subcontinent, with a focus on seaweeds from the Indian Coastline.

Our standard international identification code is "CUPB". Please mention this code in your manuscripts where accession numbers of our herbarium are mentioned.

The herbarium is fully digitalized. Our database with scanned images of all vouchers is accessible here


We offer the following services free of cost

  1. Plant specimen voucher deposition

    • A voucher can be broadly defined as a representative sample of an expertly identified organism that is deposited and stored at a facility from which researchers may later obtain the specimen for examination and further study.

  2. Plant specimen authentication



  1. Press the prominent taxonomically relevant and representative plant materials, like algal fronds, flowers, branches showing branching patterns etc. on acid-free stiff cardboard paper of at least 160-300 gsm. Size of the herbarium sheet should be (31x21 cm). Guidelines for herbarium sheet preparation/plant press is here.
    IMPORTANT: Herbarium sheet pressed on normal A4 sheets will not be accepted.
  2. Label as per the following example format (Download Word format here)

    Herbarium of the Central University of Punjab,
    VPO Ghudda, Bathinda, 151401, INDIA

    Striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke
    det.Dhanya M.S

    JASSI PAUWALI: Just S. of Bathinda city limits, ± ½ mi. E. of S.H.17, along S. side of Mansa Rd. 30.158635 N,74.961092 E; 2 populations with cotton and dahlia plants growing in proximity, Height: ± 180 cm, Red round Fruits, Purple flowers;  infrequent;

    coll. Anju Agarwal # 0003     17 September 2022
    with Rimplejeet Kaur and Jatinder Kaur

    IMPORTANT: Pressed vouchers that are unlabelled/labels deviating from the required format will not be curated, and no accession numbers will be provided.

  3. Scan the herbarium sheet with the label and keep it yourself for record and for submitting it while applying for authentication
  4. Send the sample to the following address (or submit it to curator by hand):
    Central Herbarium
    431, Academic Block, Central University of Punjab,
    Ghudda VPO Bathinda Punjab 151401 India
  5. Make sure to enclose a cover letter with the request, your full name with address, phone number, and email address. Accession number will be sent via email to the email ID provided.


  1. Note that for angiosperms we need photographs of flowers for identification and authentication. Merely submitting a leaf alone will not suffice.

  2. For authentication, first submit the vouchers (herbarium sheet) for accession number following the steps mentioned above.

  3. With an accession number at hand, use this form to apply for authentication. Note that these are the tasks needed to complete even before applying for authentication.

    • Using PlantNet app on your mobile phone (Android/iPhone) find out the three nearest matching species names with percentage identity (You would need to mention these in the form above). Make sure to scan only flowers for angiosperms. Scanning leaf/habit/seeds are not at all reliable.

    • Authentication based on morphology will only be preliminary. For DNA Barcode based authentication please get in touch with herbarium to inquire about costs.



As an Index Herbariorum enlisted herbarium, CUPB can exchnage its specimen with other index enlisted herbariums within and outside India. For further queries please get in touch with us.



The Central Herbarium, Central University of Punjab,
VPO-Ghudda, Bathinda,
Punjab, India- 151401
